
Dr. B. Bhattacharjee


Professor at the department of civil engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi-India. After obtaining B. Tech (Hons.) degree from I.I.T Kharagpur in 1978.  He worked for M/s Gammon India Limited for a short period of two years. Subsequently he obtained M. Tech. and Ph.D. degree from I.I.T. Delhi in the year 1982 and 1990 respectively. His areas of active research interest includes corrosion of rebar in concrete, high-performance concrete, microstructure modeling of concrete, chloride ingress, service life prediction and life cycle costing of concrete structures besides condition evaluation and health monitoring of structures .

Minor area of research and teaching interests are Building Physics and Building Engineering, Construction Technology and Construction management.

He is nominated Member of: 1.) Academic Advisory Board in Engineering Sciences at TERI; 2.) Governing Council of Dr. Fixit Institute of Structural Protection & Rehabilitation;3.) Research Council of CBRI.

He is EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER of: 1.) Magazine of Concrete Research, Technical Journal Published by Thomas Telford Ltd., U.K; 2.) International Journal of 3R's, Dr. FIXIT Laboratory for Repair & Rehabilitation, INDIA.

He is Life member of 1). Indian Concrete Institute, 2). Indian Society for Construction Materials and Structure. 3). Indian Society for Technical Education. 4).American Society of Civil Engineers India Section (ASCE-IS) 5). Maharstra Chapter of American Concrete Institute (ACI) etc.

He has authored more than 50 journal and conference papers in leading International journals such as ACI materials Journal, Journal of Materials in Civil Engg. ASCE , Cement and Concrete research etc. and Indian Journals such as ICJ and ICI journals, besides authoring state of the art report, lecture notes and articles workshop proceeding etc.

He has handled more than 200 consultancy and research projects and is actively involved in various national committees including BIS committee.

Dr. Bhattacharjee has supervised 117 M. Tech. and 10 Ph. D. projects till date and currently guiding 8 M. Tech. thesis work besides 10 on going Ph. D. research projects.