EEL 704 - Robotics and Automation

Course Content

Introduction - Basic robotic system components; manipulator link, joint; joint types and representation, configuration space and workspace concepts, manipulator classification

Representation of manipulator variables - co-ordinates, transformations, rotation matrices and composition of rotations, Parameterization of rotation - euler angles, pitch-roll-yaw; rigid motions and homogenous transformations

Kinematics - robot as kinematic chain, Forward Kinematics : D-H convention; frame assignment, cases; Inverse Kinematics = general problem, kinematic decoupling - inverse position and orientation kinematics; Inverse Velocity Kinematics - Derivative of a rotation matrix, angular velocities and their additions, the jacobian - revolute joint , prismatic joint, examples, singularity

Dynamics - Euler Lagrange equations, generalized PE and KE, Inertia Tensor, Equations of motion - examples, properties of dynamical equations , Newton-Euler formulation (alternative)

Control : Classical Control - PI, PID; Computed Torque Control; Feedback Linearization.

Computer Vision : Image Geometry; Camera Caliberation; Segmentation and Thresholding; Connected Components; Position and Orientation of Object

Mobile Robots : Holonomic and Non-Holonomic Systems, Dynamics of Mobile Robots.

Recommended Reading

Useful Codes