EEL 823 - Discrete-time Systems

Course Content

Introduction to discrete-time systems and signals. Representation of discrete-time systems in time domain. Frequency domain representation (Z-Transform). Basic theorems and formulae related to Z-Transforms, Inverse Z-Transform ; Direct division, Computational Method, Partial Fraction Expansion, Inverse Integral. Relationship between Laplace domain and Z-domain; Forward and backward difference, exponent relation, bilinear transformation, frequency prewarping.

System Specifications- System stability; pole location, Jury's Stability Criterion, Lienard-Chipart test. Static error constants, time-domain specifications, frequency domain specifications (Bode plots). Controller design - Pole placement, Loop shaping; Nyquist Criterion.

Discrete-time State Space representation. Structure and relationship with continuous-time counterpart. Concepts : Controllability and stabilizability , observability and detectibility. Non-asymptotic behaviour. Controller design using state space. Discrete-time observers (deterministic).

Observers, Functional Observers, Multirate Sampling, Multirate Output Feedback, Multirate Sampling based Functional Observation

If possible :

Non-linear discrete-time systems - system analysis ,periodic behaviour, chaos and sarkovskii's theorem. Closed loop stability - Popov's stability criterion. Controller design (specific cases) - feedback linearisation.

Recommended Reading

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