
Reference Texts:

  1. Sokal, Robert R. and Rohlf F. James, Biometry, Third edition, W. H. Freeman and company, 1995.


Minor I: 30

Minor II: 30

Major: 40

Audit Pass Requirement: 50/100

Course Objective:

To equip biological scientists with a required analytical and  computational background in probability and data analysis, with examples of inherently noisy data commonly encountered/expected in biological research.

Course Contents:

Probability and Set theory: Application to biological data, Random variables: Individuals vs. populations in biological systems, Classification of data: "Discreteness or Continuity" in biological evolution, Distributions, Descriptive statistics, Inferential statistics, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), ANOVA-advanced concepts, Power analysis of variance, Regression and Correlation, Count/Frequency data. MATLAB based assignment activities will be designed for data simulation and analysis corresponding to the covered lecture material.


MATLAB, MS-Excel, or any other, of relevance, preferable to you!


Download Minor I (.pdf file)

Download Assignment - Minor II (.pdf file)

Download Major (.pdf file)