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I am Anandarup Das, joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi in Dec 2014. Currently I am working as an Associate Professor in the department.

I work in high power electronics and motor drives for various applications in electrical industries.

I worked for almost 3 years (2012 to 2014) in Siemens Power Electronics Centre (R&D) under Oil and Gas Division, Siemens, Norway as Senior Development Engineer. During this time I was involved in design, development and fabrication of subsea Variable Speed Drive (VSD) fed from a multilevel converter in the power range of 1-15 MW at around 6.6 kV voltage level.

From 2010 to 2012, I was employed as a Post Doctoral Researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. During this time, my research was to find suitable medium voltage, high power converters having high reliability and fail-safe operation.

Earlier I did my PhD from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 2010. My PhD thesis was focussed on various advanced pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques for open end induction motor drives and generation of 12 sided space vector diagrams. I completed my masters from IIT Delhi in 2006 and Bachelor of Engineering from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST)(formerly BESU/Bengal Engineering College) in 2002.

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Recent news and achievements

Oct 2023: Research scholar Sukrashis Sarkar has received the IEEE IES Travel grant to attend IECON 2023 conference in Singapore.

July 2023: Research scholar Dr Ebin Cherian Mathew has received the POSOCO award.