1. Peer Reviewer for Scientific Literature :
    Science of Total Environment
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    Environmental Science and Technology
    International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 
    Journal of Environmental Management
    Journal of American Water Works Association

  2. Professional Association Memberships:
    American Water Works Association
    Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
    Society of Risk Analysis

  3. Certification:
    Engineering-in-Training, State of Maryland, U.S.A. (2009-2109)


  1. Ranking committee representative; Dept. Civil Engg.,I.I.T. Delhi, India; Sep2022-

  2. DRC member; Dept. Civil Engg.,I.I.T. Delhi, India; Sep2022-

  3. PDF committee member; Dept. Civil Engg.,I.I.T. Delhi, India; Sep2022-

  4. B.Tech. coordinator, Dept. Civil Engg.,I.I.T. Delhi, India; Sep2020-22

  5. Survey lab incharge; Env. Section, Dept. Civil Engg.,I.I.T. Delhi, India; Sep2020-22

  6. Assistant Laboratory In-charge, Environmental Engg. Lab; I.I.T. Delhi, India; 2011-2012.

  7. UG Examination Committee, I.I.T. Delhi, India; 2011-2012.

  8. UG Course Advisor, I.I.T. Delhi, India; 2011-2012.

  9. Judge, TRYST 2011 GENESIS at I.I.T. Delhi, India; March 2011.

  10. Expert Panelist, National Conference on Environmental Legislation & Technology - A Curtain Raiser, New Delhi, India; March 2011.

  11. Interview Panelist, German Academic Exchange Service, New Delhi, India; Nov. 2010.

  12. Guest Lecturer, Pollution Control Research Institute, Haridwar, India; Nov. 2010.

  13. Mentor, Philadelphia High School Students in Gifted Program, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 2006-09.

  14. Judge, Poster Presentation of Research for Engineering Undergraduates, Drexel University, Philadelphia, U.S.A., August 17th, 2007.

  15. Student Guide, Student Counseling Service of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, INDIA, 2003-04.