Processes and Paper Trails in IIT Delhi

Procedure for industrial project

If the proposal got approved:

Purchase Procedure

Lets us say you wanna purchase anything. First thing to ask

PDF purchase: If available in GEM purchase as described above. If not, and if the price is smaller than 25000, purchase it from amazon. Fill up the pda purchase request from the ERP page. Submit the approved file, bill, bank statement as well as NC/C form and give it to Store Keeper.

Repeat orders: If the product you want to buy is the exact same thing as the one someone in any department has bought, you can repeat the purchase if the audit folks have signed the previous purchase order less than 90 days from the day you want the approval and the product price is lesser than 2500000. In such cases, the procedure is as follows:

Once the competant authority has approved, take it to the store keeper, he will prepare the purchase order and the file will be taken to Audit.

Procedure for Student registration