Neo Lab : Linux Related

Arch system installation

Arch is a great rolling distribution. It has very good information on most things we need.

Installation and usage

The -u option is used to prevent upgradating in the destination a file with same name and the destination file was last modified.

FSTAB entry for mounting a windows file system

UUID=a-Z0-9 mount-point ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=022,fmask=133 0 0

uid=1000 mounts the file system as the main user. and dmask and fmask is used consider them as 777 - values. So, 022 will make the directors as 755, so every one as read and open directors. Owner can always do anything. this is the most ideal setting. Always follow this.!

Things to do behind a proxy


Ubuntu Installation is mostly straight forward in most systems. In certain systems you will get an error saying the system has Intel RST active. It as to do with RAID being active. Ubuntu, atleast in 2021, doesnt like it and it wants to use the standard ACPI interface with the hard disk. The solution is as given below. Now windows should boot normally, and ubuntu can be installed safely in dual boot

Ubuntu post installation

FSTAB entry for mounting a windows file system

UUID=a-Z0-9 mount-point ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=022,fmask=033 0 0 UUID=a-Z0-9 mount-point ext4 defaults 0 0

uid=1000 mounts the file system as the main user. and dmask and fmask is used consider them as 777 - values. So, 022 will make the directors as 755, so every one as read and open directors. Owner can always do anything. this is the most ideal setting. Always follow this.!


Remeber Debian is a distribution which is very close to mother of ubuntu. I moved to Debian to stop having problems with too many/fast changes in ubuntu.

Certain things that needed attention other than what was done in ubuntu was

Certain packages were installed post minimal installation. this is a collection

Raspberry pi

I have recently played around with Raspberry pi for interfacing with the MFC. As usual had some issues

To get the size of directories use du -s

To get the size of directories in human readable form use du -sh

RHEL related

I started to use RHEL because I wanted to use some TCAD software like Sentaurus. This requires either centos/RHEL. With centos going out of support, I wanted to use a distribution that can remain updated. So, I went to RHEL9 (the latest in Jan 2024). However, it turned out the latest sentaurus (2023.09) cannot run on RHEL 9. What a shame.!

So I had to go to the next long term supported RHEL, that is not RHEL9 - RHEL 8.8.

The installation ISO was a humongous 11.4 GB. I wrote it with dd if= of= bs=1M status=progress command

Thankfully, the bootup and the installation was a breeze.

for RHEL, we had to include a subscription. This was done by sudo subscription-manager register --username --password --auto-attach

Install chrony for the timedatectl management. You need to edit /etc/chrony.conf and add 'server' and restart the chronyd service

I also wanted to use a custom port for the SSH. For RHEL, the changing SSH port had the following steps

VNC Server related

Tigervnc is a well developed simple vnc server. The setup from 2023 onwards have been simplified a lot. There are three config files:

When we want a vnc for a new user, the user needs to email the adminstrator and the adminstrator will enable the display server for the user

First time user of the vnc, must setup a password by typing vncserver

The user should access the vncserver using ssh command ssh -L 590x:localhost:590x name@serverip -p portno

I struggled for sometime to connect when the tunnel redirection -L was given last. It never worked. So, it is better to give the -L option first, then the port and then the ip addresses

Then use any vncviewer with address: localhost:590x