Publications |
Patwardhan S., Mukherjee
B.*, Dhawan A.*, Alzalmani M.,
Noor A., Engdahl S., Joiner W.M., Sikdar S., Sonomyography combined with
vibrotactile feedback enables precise target acquisition without visual
feedback., 42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2020, Montreal, Canada. (Submitted) *equal contributors
Patwardhan S., Dhawan A.*,
Mukherjee B.*, Alzalmani M., Joiner W.M.,
Sikdar S., Evaluation of the role
of proprioception during proportional position control using sonomyography:
applications in prosthetic control, IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)
2019, pp. 830-836, Toronto, Canada.
Dhawan A.*, Mukherjee
B.*, Patwardhan S.*, Akhlaghi N., Diao G., Holley R.,
Joiner W., Harris-Love M., Sikdar S., Proprioceptive sonomyographic control: A novel method of
intuitive proportional control of multiple degrees of freedom for
upper-extremity amputees,
Nature Scientific Reports 2019, 9, pp. 9499. (IF: 4.525) *equal contributors
Akhlaghi N., Dhawan A.,
Khan A.A., Mukherjee B., Diao G., Truong C., Sikdar S., Sparsity analysis of a sonomyographic
muscle-computer interface,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (accepted) (IF: 4.491)
Tarbox E., Akhlaghi N.,
Dhawan A., Mukherjee B., Gammell P., Chitnis P.,
Sikdar S., Low-power ultrasound imaging
systems using time delay spectrometry., IEEE International Ultrasonics
Symposium (IUS) 2017, pp. 1-4, Washington, DC.
Mukherjee B., Venkatakrishnan J.V., George B., Sivaprakasam
M., Evaluation of an ophthalmic
anesthesia simulation system for regional block training., Ophthalmology 2015, 122(12), pp. 2578-2580.
(IF: 7.732) Featured in issue
Mukherjee B., George B.,
Sivaprakasam M., A multi-electrode electric field based
sensing system for ophthalmic anesthesia training., IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and
Systems 2015, 9(3), pp. 431-440. (IF: 4.252)
Mukherjee B., George B.,
Sivaprakasam M., A simple measurement scheme for multiple capacitors and its application
to an ophthalmic anesthesia training system., IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology
Conference (I2MTC) 2015, pp. 458-463, Pisa, Italy.
Mukherjee B., George B.,
Sivaprakasam M., An efficient capacitive sensing scheme for an ophthalmic
regional anesthesia training system., 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2013, pp. 894-897, Osaka, Japan.
Mukherjee B., George B.,
Sivaprakasam M., A syringe injection rate detector employing a dual Hall-effect sensor
configuration., 35th Annual
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
(EMBC) 2013, pp. 4734-4737, Osaka, Japan.
Mukherjee B., Sivaprakasam M., An eye toward improving: a new training approach in ophthalmic
anesthesia provides qualitative and quantitative feedback., IEEE Pulse 2015, 6(4), pp. 20-25. (Invited,
IF: 0.662)
Mukherjee B., George B.,
Sivaprakasam M., An ophthalmic anesthesia training system using integrated capacitive
and hall effect sensors.,
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2014, 63(5), pp. 1153-1162.
(IF: 3.067)
Mukherjee B., George B.,
Sivaprakasam M., An intelligent ophthalmic regional anesthesia training system based
on capacitive sensing., IEEE International Instrumentation and
Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2013, pp. 889-893, Minneapolis, USA.
Mukherjee B., George B.,
Sivaprakasam M., A Hall effect sensor based syringe
injection rate detector., 6th
IEEE International Conference on Sensing Technology 2012, pp. 450-453, Kolkata,
Mukherjee B., George B.,
Sivaprakasam M., Kumar V.J., Venkatakrishnan
J.V., A capacitive array
sensing based training system for ophthalmic anesthesia., 5th IEEE International Conference on Sensing
Technology 2011, pp. 623-627, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Posters, Oral
Presentations and Abstracts
Engdahl,S., Mukherjee B., Dhawan A., Patwardhan S., Joiner W., Sikdar S., Using
sonomyography for proportional positional control in individuals with
upper-limb loss, 46th Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium of the
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, Chicago, USA, March 2020. (Oral
Mukherjee B., Dhawan A.,
Patwardhan S., Joiner W., Sikdar S., Proportional positional control of
multiple degrees-of-freedom for individuals with upper extremity limb loss
using sonomyography, Military Health Systems Research Symposium, Kissimmee,
USA, Aug 2019. (Oral presentation)
Mukherjee B., Dhawan A.,
Patwardhan S., Joiner W., Sikdar S., Proportional positional control of
multiple degrees-of-freedom for individuals with upper extremity limb loss
using sonomyography, Military Health Systems Research Symposium, Kissimmee,
USA, Aug 2019. (Oral presentation)
Mukherjee B., Dhawan A.,
Patwardhan S., Majdi J., Holley R., Joiner W., Harris-Love M., Sikdar S., Proprioceptive
sonomyographic control: Towards natural and intuitive Control of
multi-articulated upper extremity prosthesis, Military Health Systems
Research Symposium, Kissimmee, USA, Aug 2019. (Poster presentation)
Patwardhan S., Mukherjee
B., Dhawan A., Akhlaghi N., Joiner W., Sikdar S., Safety and acoustic output
characterization of a time delay spectrometry based
ultrasound imaging system, International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging
and Tissue Characterization, Washington D.C, USA, May 2019. (Oral presentation)
Mukherjee B., Dhawan A.,
Tarbox E., Akhlaghi N., Gammell P., Chitnis P.,
Sikdar S., Proprioceptive sonomyographic control: A novel ultrasound-based
method for prosthetic control for upper-extremity amputees, International
Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, Washington D.C,
USA, May 2019. (Oral presentation)
Joiner W., Dhawan A., Mukherjee
B., Patwardhan S., Akhlaghi N., Levay G., Harris-Love M., Sikdar S., Ultrasound
based muscle activity sensing for intuitive proportional control in upper
extremity amputees, Neural Control of Movement 2019, Toyoma,
Japan. (Oral presentation)
Mukherjee B., Dhawan A.,
Patwardhan S., Majdi J., Holley R., Joiner W., Harris-Love M., Sikdar S., Ultrasound
based muscle activity sensing for intuitive proportional control in upper
extremity amputees, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dallas,
USA, Sep 2018.(Poster presentation)
Mukherjee B., Dhawan A.,
Patwardhan S., Majdi J., Holley R., Joiner W., Harris-Love M., Sikdar S., Ultrasound-based
muscle activity sensing for intuitive visual feedback and training of
upper-extremity amputees, Military Health Systems Research Symposium,
Kissimmee, USA, Aug 2018. (Poster presentation)
Dhawan A., Mukherjee B.,
Patwardhan S., Majdi J., Holley R., Joiner W., Harris-Love M., Sikdar S., Ultrasound
sensing-based intuitive proportional control: an evaluation study with
upper-extremity amputees, 12th International Society for
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress, Jul 2018. (Poster
Mukherjee B., Dhawan A.,
Tarbox E., Akhlaghi N., Gammell P., Chitnis P.,
Sikdar S., Comparison of time delay spectrometry and pulse-echo ultrasound
imaging systems, International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue
Characterization, Washington D.C, USA, May 2018. (Oral presentation)
Dhawan A., Mukherjee B.,
Patwardhan S., Majdi J., Holley R., Joiner W., Harris-Love M., Sikdar S., Ultrasound
sensing-based intuitive proportional control: Evaluation study with
upper-extremity amputees, International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and
Tissue Characterization, Washington D.C, USA, May 2018. (Poster presentation)
Mukherjee B., Dhawan A.,
Patwardhan S., Majdi J., Holley R., Joiner W., Harris-Love M., Sikdar S., Intuitive
proportional control with multiple degrees of freedom in upper extremity
amputees using novel ultrasonic sensing of muscle activity, Extremity War
Injuries Symposium XIII, Washington D.C, USA, Jan 2018. (Poster presentation)
Ottensmeyer M.P., Mukherjee
B., De Novi G., REBOA training simulator with catheter tracking and haptic feedback,
Military Health Systems Research Symposium 2017, Kissimmee, USA, May 2017.
(Poster presentation)
Mukherjee B., Mangiamele M., Loan G.J., De Novi G., Ottensmeyer M.P., Modular
enhancements for low-cost and legacy mannequins: progress update, Military
Health Systems Research Symposium 2016, Kissimmee, USA, May 2016. (Poster presentation)
Mukherjee B., Mangiamele M., Loan G.J., De Novi G., Ottensmeyer M.P., Modular
enhancements for legacy and low-cost medical training mannequins, Military
Health Systems Research Symposium 2015, Ft. Lauderdale, USA, May 2015. (Poster
Mukherjee B., Joseph J.,
George B., Sivaprakasam M., Venkatakrishnan
J.V., OASiS : A novel simulation platform for regional
orbital block training, 3rd World Congress on Ophthalmic Anesthesia,
Ankara, Turkey, May 2012. (Oral presentation)
Ottensmeyer M.P.,
Tessier P., Mukherjee B., Gordon J., System and method for a wearable
medical simulator, PCT/US16/35307. May 1st 2016,
Boston, USA.
Mukherjee B.; George B.;
Sivaprakasam M., System and method for ophthalmic
anesthesia training, 2023/CHE/2013. May 6th 2013,
Chennai, India.
Mukherjee B.; George B.;
Sivaprakasam M., Measuring the rate of injection
in a syringe, 1993/CHE/2013. May 3rd 2013,
Chennai, India.