Books – 3
Patents – 2
International – 51
National – 7
in Proceedings
International – 53
National – 25
1. Chahar, B.R. (2012). Canals: Seepage Analysis and Optimal Design. ISBN: 978-3-8484-2952-3,
Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH &
Co., Saarbrücken, Germany.
2. Chahar, B.R. (2014). Groundwater Hydrology. McGraw Hill, New Delhi. ISBN: 9789339204631/
9339204638, More information available on Webpages:,,
3. Swamee, P.K., and Chahar, B.R. (2015). Design of Canals. Springer, New Delhi.
eBook ISBN 978-81-322-2322-1, Hardcover ISBN 978-81-322-2321-4, Softcover ISBN
978-81-322-2967-4, Series ISSN 2363-7633, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2322-1.
1. Basu, S. and Chahar, B. R. “A Method and System for Ground Pollution Free and Minimum Oil Burning Oil Storage Tank Farm.” Application No PCT/IN2012/000090, Filed on Feb 10, 2012 with priority date Feb 10, 2011, International Bureau of WIPO, Geneva. International Publication Date August 16, 2012; International Publication Number WO 2012/107938 A2.
Basu, S. and Chahar, B. R.
“A Method and System for Ground Pollution Free and Minimum Oil Burning Oil
Storage Tank Farm.” Application No 345/DEL/2011, Filed on Feb 10, 2011 with CBR No
1294, Indian Patent Office. Publication
Date : 23/11/2012, Journal No. - 47/2012.
1. Swamee, P.K., Rathie,
P.N., and Chahar, B.R. (2018). “Economic
viability of canal flow.” J.
Irrig. Drain. Engrg., ASCE,
Vol. 144, accepted for
publication, IRENG-8140R3
Rai, P. K., Dhanya, C. T., and Chahar, B. R.
(2017). “Coupling of 1D models (SWAT
and SWMM) with 2D model (iRIC) for mapping inundation
in Brahmani and Baitarni
river delta.” Natural Hazards, accepted for publication, NHAZ-D-17-01286R2.
Narsimlu, B., Gosain, A.K., and Chahar, B.R.
(2018). “Hydrological Modeling to Evaluate Future
Climate Change Impacts in Sind River Basin, India.” Int J Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 9(3), 56-61, DOI:
Rai, P. K., Chahar, B. R., and Dhanya,
C. T. (2017). “GIS-based SWMM model for simulating the catchment response to
flood events.” Hydrology Research, Vol.
48(2), 384 - 394, DOI: 10.2166/nh.2016.260.
Rai, P. K., Dhanya, C. T., and Chahar, B. R.
(2017). “Flood control in an urban drainage system using a linear controller.” Water Practice & Technology, Vol. 12(4),
942-952, DOI: 10.2166/wpt.2017.102.
Verdhen A., Chahar B.R., and Sharma O.P. (2016). “Winter
Precipitation and Snowpack-melt with Temperature and Elevation at Solang Valley, India.” Hydrology
Current Research, Vol. 7(2), 245-253, DOI: 10.4172/2157-7587.1000245
Rai, P. K., Dhanya, C. T., and Chahar, B. R.
(2016). “A PSO approach for optimum design of dynamic inversion controller in
water distribution systems.” J of Water
Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua, Vol. 65(7), 570-581, DOI
Chakravorty, A., Chahar, B. R., Sharma, O. P., and Dhanya, C. T. (2016). “A regional scale performance
evaluation of SMOS and ESA-CCI soil moisture products over India with simulated
soil moisture from MERRA-Land.” Remote
Sensing of Environment, Vol. 186, 514-527, DOI 10.1016/j.rse.2016.09.011
Goel, G., Abidoye,
L.K., Chahar, B.R., and Das, D.B. (2016). “Scale
dependency of dynamic relative permeability–saturation curves in relation with
fluid viscosity and dynamic capillary pressure effect.” Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 16(5), 945–963, DOI:
10. Maheswaran, Khosa, R., Gosain, A.K., Lahari, S., Sinha,
S.K., Chahar, B.R., and Dhanya,C.T. (2016). “Regional Scale groundwater Modelling
Study for Ganga River Basin.” Journal of
Hydrology, Vol. 541B, 727–741, DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.07.029.
11. Narsimlu, B., Gosain, A.K., Chahar, B.R., Singh, S.K., and Srivastava,
P.K. (2015). “SWAT Model Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis for Streamflow Prediction in the Kunwari
River Basin, India, Using Sequential Uncertainty Fitting.” Environmental Processess, Vol. 2(1),
79-95, DOI:10.1007/s40710-015-0064-8.
12. Verdhen, A., Chahar, B. R., Ganju, A. and Sharma, O. P. (2015). “Modeling
snow line altitudes in the Himalayan Watershed.” J. of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 21(1), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943 -5584.0001255.
13. Verdhen, A., Chahar, B.R., and
Sharma, O.P. (2014). “Snowmelt Modelling Approaches in Watershed Models:
Computation and Comparison of Efficiencies under Varying Climatic Conditions.” Water Resources Management, Vol. 28(11),
3439–3453, DOI:10.1007/s11269-014-0662-7.
14. Choudhary, M, and Chahar,
B.R. (2014). “Recharge from an Array of Polygonal Channels.” J. Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 19(5), 918-930, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000872.
Verdhen, A., Chahar, B.R. and Sharma, O.P. (2014). “Spring Time Snowmelt
and Streamflow Predictions in the Himalayan
Mountains” J. Hydrologic Engineering,
ASCE, Vol. 19(7), 1452-1461. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000816.
16. Sudheer ch, Kumar D., Sohani
S.K., Malik A, Chahar B.R., Nema
A.K., Panigrahi B.K., and Dhiman R.C. (2014). “A SVM-FFA based forecasting
model to determine malaria transmission.” Neurocomputing, Elsevier Pub, Vol 129C, 279-288.
17. Swamee, P. K., and Chahar, B.R. (2013). “Optimal Alignment of a Canal Route.” Proc. ICE, Water Management, Vol. 166(8), 422-431, 10.1680/wama.11.00097
18. Narsimlu, B, Gosain, AK,
and Chahar, B.R. (2013). “Assessment of
Future Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources of Upper Sind River Basin,
India Using SWAT Model.” Water Resources
Management, Vol 27(10), 3647-3662, DOI:
19. Chahar, B.R. (2013). “Discussion of ‘Simplified Accurate Solution for Design of
Erodible Trapezoidal Channels’ by by Ali R. Vatankhah and Said M. Easa” J. Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, Vol 18(5), 617-617, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000626.
20. Gaur S., Sudheer
Ch., Graillot D., Chahar B.R., and Kumar D.N. (2013) “Application of Artificial Neural
Networks and Particle Swarm Optimization for the Management of Groundwater
Resources.” Water Resources Management, Vol 27(3), 927-941, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-012-0226-7.
21. Chahar, B.R., and Vadodaria,
G. P. (2012). “Steady Subsurface Drainage of Ponded Surface by an Array of
Parallel Ditches.” J. Hydrologic
Engineering, ASCE, Vol 17(8), 895-908, DOI:
22. Sohani, S. K., Sudheer
Ch, Chahar, B.R., Nema,
A.K., Mallik, A., Dhiman,
R.C. (2012). “Modelling the transmission of vector borne diseases using
SVM-PSO.” International Journal of
Systems, Algorithms & Applications, Vol
2(ICARET12), 246-249.
23. Chahar, B.R., Graillot,
D., and Gaur, S. (2012). “Storm
Water Management through Infiltration Trenches.” J. Irrig. Drain. Engrg.,
ASCE, Vol 138(3), 274-281. DOI:
24. Gaur S., Chahar B.R., and Graillot D. (2011) “Analytic
elements method and particle swarm optimization based simulation–optimization
model for groundwater management.” Journal of Hydrology Vol
402(3-4), 217-227. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.03.016
25. Gaur S., Chahar B.R., and Graillot D. (2011) “Combined
use of groundwater modeling and potential zone analysis for management of
groundwater.” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol 13(1),
127-139. DOI:10.1016/j.jag.2010.09.001
26. Chahar, B.R. (2010). “Closure to Discussion on
‘Optimal Design of Curved Bed Trapezoidal Canal Sections’ by Adrian Laycock.” Proc. ICE,
Water Management, Vol 163 (WM8), 431-432.
(pdf) DOI: 10.1680/wama.2010.163
27. Chahar, B.R. (2010). “Discussion of ‘Least-Cost
and Most Efficient Channel Cross Sections’ by Gerald E. Blackler
and James C. Y. Guo.” J. Irrig. Drain. Engrg.,
ASCE, Vol 136(8), 579-580. (pdf)
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000180
28. Chahar, B.R., and Vadodaria,
G. P. (2010). “Optimal Spacing in an Array of Ditches for Subsurface Drainage.”
J. Irrig.
Drain. Engrg., ASCE, Vol 136(1), 63-67. (pdf)
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000122.
29. Chahar, B.R. (2009). “Seepage from a Special
Class of a Curved Channel with Drainage Layer at Shallow Depth.” Water Resource Research, Vol 45(9), W09423, (pdf) DOI:10.1029/2009WR007899.
30. Chahar, B.R., and Basu
S. (2009). “Optimal Design of Curved Bed Trapezoidal Canal Sections.” Proc. ICE, Water Management, Vol 162(WM3), 233-240. (pdf)
31. Chahar, B.R., and Vadodaria,
G. P. (2008). “Steady Subsurface Drainage of Homogeneous Soil by Ditches.” Proc. ICE, Water Management, Vol 161(WM6), 303-311. (pdf) DOI: 10.1680/wama.2008.161.6.303
32. Chahar, B.R., and Vadodaria,
G. P. (2008). “Drainage of Ponded Surface by an Array of Ditches.” J. Irrig. Drain. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 134(6), 815-823. (pdf)
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2008)134:6(815)
33. Choudhary, M., and Chahar, B.R. (2007). “Recharge/Seepage from An
Array of Rectangular Channels.” Journal
of Hydrology, Vol 343(1-2), 71-79, (pdf) DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.06.009
34. Chahar, B.R. (2007). “Analysis of Seepage from
Polygon Channels.” J. Hydraulic Engineering,
ASCE, Vol. 133(4), 451-460. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2007)133:4(451)
35. Chahar, B.R. (2007). “Optimal Design of a special
Class of Curvilinear Bottomed Channel Section.” J. Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133(5), 571-576. (pdf)
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2007)133:5(571)
36. Chahar, B.R. (2006). “Discussion on ‘Seepage through a
Levee’ by G. C. Mishra and A. K. Singh.” International J. of
Geomechanics, ASCE, Vol. 6(3),
209-211. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1532-3641(2005)6:3(209)
37. Chahar, B.R. (2006). “Closure to Discussion on
‘Determination of Length of a Horizontal Drain in Homogeneous Earth Dams’ by
Rajesh Srivatsava.” J. Irrig.
Drain. Engrg., ASCE, Vol.
132(1), 88-90. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2004)132:1(89)
38. Chahar, B.R. (2006). “Analytical solution to seepage problem
from a soil channel with a curvilinear bottom.” Water Resource Research, Vol.
42, W01403,
(pdf) DOI:10.1029/2005WR004140.
39. Chahar, B.R. (2005). “Optimal Design of a Parabolic Channel
Section.” J. Irrig. Drain. Engrg.,
ASCE, Vol. 131(6), 546-554. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2005)131:6(546)
40. Chahar, B.R. (2004). “Determination of Length of a
Horizontal Drain in Homogeneous Earth Dams.” J. Irrig.
Drain. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 130(6), 530-536. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2004)130:6(530)
41. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2002). “Optimal design of
transmission canal.” J. Irrig. Drain. Engrg., ASCE,
Vol. 128(4), 234-243. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2002)128:4(234)
42. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2002). “Design of minimum water
loss canal sections.” J. Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 40(2), 215-220.
(pdf) DOI: 10.
43. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2001). “Design of minimum
seepage loss canal sections with drainage layer at shallow depth.” J. Irrig. Drain. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 127(5), 287-294. (pdf) DOI:
44. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2001). Closure to Discussions
on ‘Design of minimum seepage loss canal sections’ J. Irrig.
Drain. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 127(3), 189-192. (pdf) DOI:
45. Chahar, B.R. (2001). “Extension of Vedernikov’s
graphs for seepage from canals.” Ground Water, NGWA, Vol. 39(2),
272-275. (pdf)
46. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2001). “Design of minimum
earthwork cost canal sections.” Water Resources Management,
Vol. 15(1), 17-30. (pdf)
DOI: 10.1023/A:1012244603325
47. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2000). “Comprehensive design of
minimum cost irrigation canal sections.” J. Irrig.
Drain. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 126(5), 322-327. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2000)126:5(322)
48. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2000). “Solution for a stream
depletion problem.” J. Irrig. Drain. Engrg., ASCE,
Vol. 126(2), 125-126. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2000)126:2(125)
49. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2000). “Design of minimum
seepage loss canal sections.” J. Irrig. Drain. Engrg., ASCE,
Vol. 126(1), 28-32. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2000)126:1(28)
50. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2000). “Simple approximation
for a flowing well problem.” J. Irrig. Drain. Engrg., ASCE,
Vol. 126(1), 65-67. (pdf) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2000)126:1(65)
51. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (2000). “Minimum cost design of
lined canal sections.” Water Resources Management, Vol. 14(1), 1-12. (pdf) DOI: 10.1023/A:1008198602337
1. Swamee, P. K., and Chahar, B.R. (2010). “Normal Depth in Natural Channel Sections.” ISH J. of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.
16(1), 132-147. (pdf)
2. Swamee, P. K., and Chahar, B.R. (2009). “Normal Depth Equation for Viscous/Laminar
Flow in a Rectangular Channel Section.” ISH
J. of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 15(2), 81-88. (pdf)
3. Chahar, B.R.,
Ahmed, N., and Godara, R. (2007).
“Optimal Parabolic Section with Freeboard.” J.
Indian Water Works Association, Vol. 39(1), 43-48. (pdf)
4. Chahar, B.R. and Kalsi,
A.P. (2004). “Design of Horizontal Filter Length in Homogeneous Earth Dams.” ISH
J. of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 10(1), 8-18.
5. Chahar, B.R. and Choudhary,
M. (2003). “Waterlogging in Suratgargh Branch of IGNP: Causes and Economic
Effects.” J. of Indian Water Resources Society, Vol. 23(4), 87-98.
1. Tripathi, M., Yadav, P.K.,
and Chahar, B.R. (2018). “Model
development for a stream-aquifer interaction through the Hyporheic
Zone with the effect of riverbed clogging using Open-GeoSys.”
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-16068-1, 2018 EGU General
Assembly 2018.
2. Birla, S., Chahar,
B. R., Yadav, P. K., and Liedl,
R. (2017). "Empirical/Semi-Analytical Models for Estimation of Steady
State Plume Lengths under the influence of External Stresses". Urbanizaion Challenges in Emerging Economies: Moving
towards Resilient Sustainable Cities and Infrastructure, New Delhi, 12 – 14
December, 2017.
3. Tripathi, M., Yadav, P.K.,
and Chahar, B.R. (2017). “Vertical flow
through Hyporheic Zone and its significance.” Urbanizaion Challenges in Emerging Economies: Moving
towards Resilient Sustainable Cities and Infrastructure, New Delhi, 12 – 14
December, 2017.
4. Gaire, J., Yadav, P. K.,
and Chahar, B. R. (2016). “Source
discontinuities and the plume length in simple heterogeneous aquifers.”
Proceedings, International Persective on Water
Resources and the Environment, EWRI of ASCE, Colombo, Sri Lanka, January 4-6,
5. Tripathi, M., Yadav, P. K.,
and Chahar, B. R. (2016). “Hyporheic-Zone characterization using vertical flux model.”
Proceedings, International Persective on Water
Resources and the Environment, EWRI of ASCE, Colombo, Sri Lanka, January 4-6,
6. Birla, S., Chahar,
B. R., Liedl, R., Yadav,
P. K. and Händel, F. (2016). "Impact of external
stresses On Steady State Plume Lengths". Groundwater -man - ecosystems.
Poster presented at FH-DGG Conference, Karlsruhe institute of Technology,
Germany, April 13-16, 2016.
7. Boini Narsimlu., Gosain. A.K and Chahar,
B.R (2016). “Assessing the potential impact of climate change on
hydrological regimes of Sind River Basin, India indented for availability of
water resources using SWAT Model.” Water Security and Climate change:
Challenges and opportunities in Asia 2016, at Asian Institute of Technology,
Bangkok, Thailand to be held from 29 Nov- 01 Dec, 2016.
8. Rai, P. K., Chahar,
B. R., and Dhanya, C. T. (2015). “Flood
forecasting for lower Tapi River with GIS based SWMM
model.” 20th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River
Engineering (HYDRO-2015), Roorkee, December 17-20,
9. Chakravorty, A., Chahar,
B. R., Sharma, O. P., and Dhanya, C. T. (2014). “Analysis
of Satellite Retreived Active-Passive Merged Soil
Moisture Distribution: A Case Study Over India.” In
AGU Fall Meeting Dec 2014, San Francisco, USA (Vol. 1, p. 0887)
10. Verdhen, A., and Chahar,
B. R. (2015). “Affect of rise in temperature and
wind on simulated point snowmelt in the western Himalayas.” Regional Forum on
Climate Change (RFCC-2015) at Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand,
July 1–3, 2015.
11. Narsimlu B., Gosain, A. K.,
and Chahar, B. R. (2015). “Effect of
climate change on hydrological regimes of Pahuj river
basin (unguaged) India and its consequences on fodder
production using SWAT Model.” Regional Forum on Climate Change (RFCC-2015) at
Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand, July 1–3, 2015.
12. Abidoye, L.K., Das, D.B., Goel,
G., Chahar, B.R., and Singh, R. (2014).
“Scale dependency of dynamic relative permeability curves in relation with fluid
viscosity and dynamic capillary pressure effect.” Poster presented at the
International Conference CMWR 2014, Computational Methods in Water Resources
XX. International Conference, 10th - 13th June, 2014, University of Stuttgart,
13. Boini Narsimlu., Gosain. A.K and Chahar,
B.R (2013). “Model calibration and uncertainty analysis for discharge in
the Kunwari river basin, India using sequential
uncertainty fitting”. 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France,
held from 17-19 July, 2013.
14. Basu, S, and Chahar, B.R. (2013). “Reuse of water in Typical Indian Oil
Refinery.” Proceedings of ASCE Conference
“World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future”,
May 19-23, 2013, Cincinnati, USA, Edited by Craig L. Patterson, Scott D. Struck, and Daniel J.
Murray, Jr., pp 2791-2800, doi:
15. Narsimlu, B, Gosain, AK,
and Chahar, B.R. (2013). “Model
calibration and uncertainty analysis for runoff in the Upper Sind River Basin,
India using sequential uncertainty fitting.” Proceedings of ASCE Conference “World Environmental and Water
Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future”, May 19-23, 2013,
Cincinnati, USA, Edited by Craig
L. Patterson, Scott D. Struck, and Daniel J. Murray, Jr., pp
3257-3266, doi: 10.1061/9780784412947.322.
16. Chahar, B.R., and Dhaka, SK (2013). “Groundwater Modeling of Banas River Basin.” Proceedings of ASCE Conference “World
Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future”, May
19-23, 2013, Cincinnati, USA, Edited by
Craig L. Patterson, Scott D. Struck, and Daniel J. Murray, Jr., pp 450-459, doi: 10.1061/9780784412947.044.
17. Verdhen, A, Chahar, B.R., and Sharma, OP (2013). “Snowmelt Runoff
Simulation using HEC-HMS in a Himalayan Watershed.” Proceedings of ASCE Conference “World Environmental and Water
Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future”, May 19-23, 2013,
Cincinnati, USA, Edited by Craig
L. Patterson, Scott D. Struck, and Daniel J. Murray, Jr., pp
3206-3215, doi: 10.1061/9780784412947.317.
18. Basu, S, and Chahar, B.R. (2013). “Optimal Cutting and Filling Height
for Canal Length.” Proceedings of ASCE Conference
“World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future”,
May 19-23, 2013, Cincinnati, USA, Edited by Craig L. Patterson, Scott D. Struck, and Daniel J.
Murray, Jr., pp 2227-2236, doi:
19. Basu, S. and Chahar, B.R. (2012). “Practicable Water
Management in a Typical Indian City.” World
Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012: Crossing Boundaries, EWRI of
ASCE, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, May 20-24, 2012. Proceedings,
Edited by Eric D. Loucks pp. 3686-3695, (doi
20. Chahar, B.R. (2012). “Groundwater Modeling of Vembanad Wetland System.” Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress
2012: Crossing Boundaries, EWRI of ASCE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 20-24,
21. Chahar, B.R. (2012). “Seepage/Recharge from an
Array of Curvilinear Channels.”
Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012:
Crossing Boundaries, EWRI of ASCE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 20-24, 2012.
22. Basu, S. and Chahar, B.R. (2011). “Oil Fire
Disasters: Impact on Environment and Control Measures.” Proceedings, EWRI of ASCE International Conference on ‘An
International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment,’ Singapore,
January 4-7, 2011.
23. Verdhen, A., Chahar, B.R. and Sharma, O.P. (2011).
“Climate Change Impact on Snow & Ice Melt Runoff in a Himalayan Watershed.”
Proceedings, EWRI of ASCE
International Conference on ‘An International Perspective on Water Resources
& the Environment,’ Singapore, January 4-7, 2011.
24. Vadodaria, G.P. and Chahar, B.R. (2009). “Cost Analysis of
Subsurface Drainage System.” Proceedings,
ASCE International Conference on ‘An International
Perspective on Environmental and Water Resources,’ Bangkok, January 5-7, 2009,
25. Gaur, S., Chintalapati, S. Chahar, B.R., Mathur,
S., and Graillot,
D. (2009). “Morphometric Analysis for Delineating Groundwater Potential Zones
in Semiarid Area.” Proceedings, ASCE
International Conference on ‘An International
Perspective on Environmental and Water Resources,’ Bangkok, January 5-7, 2009,
26. Gaur, S., Chahar, B.R, and S., Kilania (2008). “Groundwater Modeling Using
Analytic Element Method and A Comparative Study with MODFLOW Model,” Proceedings, Joint International
Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, Oct 16-18, 2008, 44.
27. Vadodaria, G.P. and Chahar, B.R. (2008). “Drainage of a
Ponded Surface by a Ditch.” Proceedings,
Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and
Building Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Oct 16-18, 2008, 303.
28. Gaur, S., Chahar, B.R., Chintalapati, S. and Mathur S. (2008). “Groundwater Flow and Optimization Modeling: A Case Study
for Ramgarh Reservoir Basin, India.” Proceedings, International Conference on
‘MODFLOW and More 2008: Ground Water and Public Policy’, Colorado School of
Mines, May, 19-21, 2008, 274-278.
29. Chahar, B.R. (2006). “Simplified Design Method
for Transmission Canals.” Proceedings,
Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and
Building Engineering, Montreal (Canada), June 14-16, 2006.
30. Swamee, P.K., Mishra, G.C., and Chahar, B.R. (1999). “Design of irrigation
canals: a state of art.” Proceedings, South-Asian Countries Conference,
Kathmandu (Nepal), April 1999, Vol. II, 741-750.
1. Chakravorty, A., Chahar, B. R., Sharma, O. P., and Dhanya, C. T.
(2015). “Applicability Of Satellite Soil Moisture In
Generating an Analysis Of Energy And Moisture Flux: A Data Assimilation View
Point Over India.” Proceedings of Joint conference of the AsiaFlux
Workshop 2015 and ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing) TC WG VIII/3. November 22-29, 2015.
2. Verdhen, A., and Chahar, B.R. (2013). “Indian ancient language, science and technology,
environment, society and management including snowmelt computation and
comparison.” International Conference on ‘Role of Science and Technology in
Worldwide’, organised by IIT Delhi and DRDO, 5-7 December 2013, New Delhi.
Published in Special Issue of JIGYASA, Vol. 27-28, pp 8-15. , International , Published
3. Narsimulu, B., Gossain,
A.K., and Chahar, B.R. (2012). “Evaluation of Climate
Change Impact on water Resources Upper Sind River Basin, India using SWAT
model.” Proceedings, 2012
International SWAT Conference, New Delhi, July 18-20, 2012.
Verdhen, A., and Chahar,
B.R. (2012). “Efficiency of Snow melt modelling approaches in watershed
models.” Proceedings, 2012
International SWAT Conference, New Delhi, July 18-20, 2012.
5. Verdhen, Ganju,
A., Bhutiyani, M.R., and Chahar, B.R. (2012). “Spatiotemporal Temperature Reconstruction
Reliability and Change Detection.” International Symposium on Cryosphere and Climate Change, Manali
(India), April 2-4, 2012.
6. Kapadia, V., Deopura, B.L., and Chahar, B.R. (2012). “Canal Lining through Geomembranes: A Case Study of Sardar Sarovar Project.” Proceedings, India Water Week 2012: Water, Energy and Food Security – Call for Solutions, New Delhi, April 10-14, 2012.
7. Vadodaria, G.P. and Chahar, B.R. (2010). “Optimization of Subsurface Ditch Drainage System.” Proceedings, EWRI of ASCE International Conference on ‘An International Perspective on Current & Future State of Water Resources & the Environment,’ Chennai, India, January 5-7, 2010.
8. Basu, S. and Chahar, B.R. (2010). “Cost Function for Canal Route Alignment.” Proceedings, EWRI of ASCE International Conference on ‘An International Perspective on Current & Future State of Water Resources & the Environment,’ Chennai, India, January 5-7, 2010.
9. Gaur, S., Graillot, D., Mimoun, D. and Chahar, B.R. (2010). “Identification of Maximum Groundwater Discharge from Dore River Basin, France.” Proceedings, EWRI of ASCE International Conference on ‘An International Perspective on Current & Future State of Water Resources & the Environment,’ Chennai, India, January 5-7, 2010.
10. Deopura, B.L. and Chahar, B.R. (2009). “Seepage Control
through a New Class of Sheet Material.” Proceedings,
National Workshop cum Brainstorming on ‘Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse through
Farm Ponds: Experiences, Issues and Strategies’, CRIDA, Hyderabad, April 21-22,
2009, 3-1 – 3-5.
11. Deopura, B.L. and Chahar, B.R. (2009). “Water Seepage Control through Novel Sheet
Materials.” Proceedings, 60th IEC Meeting and 5th Asian Regional Conference of
ICID, to be held 6-11 December 2009, New Delhi.
12. Choudhary, M., Chahar, B.R. and Satya, S. (2006). “Artificial Groundwater
Recharge in an Arid Region of Rajasthan.” Proceedings,
ASCE International Conference on ‘An International
Perspective on Environmental and Water Resources,’ New Delhi, December 18-20,
13. Vadodaria, G.P. and Chahar, B.R. (2006). “Nomograms for Design of Subsurface Drainage System.” Proceedings, ASCE International
Conference on ‘An International Perspective on
Environmental and Water Resources,’ New Delhi, December 18-20, 2006.
14. Deopura, B.L. and Chahar, B.R. (2006). “Geomembranes for Water
Management.” Proceedings, IGS International Seminar on ‘Geosynthetics
in India - Present and Future,’ New Delhi, November 8-10, 2006, 92-102.
15. Deopura, B.L. and Chahar, B.R. (2006). “Water Seepage Control through a New Class of Lining
Material.” National Workshop on ‘Efficient Water Management in Canal Command
Areas’, ICAR – CWC, New Delhi, September 18-19, 2006.
16. Vadodaria, G.P. and Chahar, B.R. (2006). “Subsurface Drainage System: A Review.” Proceedings, National Conference on ‘Civil
Engineering System,’ Osmania University, Hyderabad, May 1-3, 2006.
17. Choudhary, M., Chahar, B.R., and
Satya, S. (2005). “Artificial Recharging of Groundwater for Water Security.” Proceedings,
National Workshop-cum-Conference on ‘Emerging Technology for Controlling
Groundwater Pollution: Drinking Water Perspectives’, IIT Delhi, May 19-20, 2005.
18. Chahar, B.R. and Godara,
R. (2004). “Optimal Design of a Parabolic Channel Section.” Proceedings,
Symposium on ‘Prediction in Ungauged Basins for Sustainable Water Resources
Planning and Management’, BITS, Pilani, Oct. 2004, 159-168.
19. Chahar, B.R., Choudhary, M., and
Kalsi, A.P. (2003). “A Case Study of Waterlogging in Suratgarh Branch of IGNP.”
Proceedings, National Conference on ‘Integrated Sustainable Water Resources
Planning and Management’, BITS, Pilani, Oct. 2003, 351-358. Republished in Integrated
Water Resources Planning and Management, edited by Raju, K.S., Sarkar,
A.K., and Dash, M.L. Jain Brothers, New Delhi, 2003, 335-343.
20. Mishra, G. C., Chahar, B.R.,
and Kansal, M. L (2001). “Need for Ground Water Planning for Sustainable Use of
Narmada Water in Rajasthan.” Proceedings, 9th National Water
Convention Bangalore, 3 - 5 Nov., 2001, 269-279.
21. Pillai, C.R.S., Chahar, B.R.,
and Raju, K.S. (1991). “Streamflow Generation for Kangsabati and Subarna Rekha
Rivers.” Proceedings, 36th ISTAM Congress, IIT Bombay, 65-75.
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