Dr V M Chariar
Centre for Rural Development and Technology • Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Indo US Roundtable on Building Partnerships for Sustainability Solutions at Centre for Environment Education, (Jointly with Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiative, ASU) Ahmedabad, India, 19 October 2015. (Co-Organiser : Rajesh Buch)

Indo US Roundtable on Building Partnerships for Sustainability Solutions at School of Planning and Architecture, (Jointly with Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiative, ASU) New Delhi, India, 16 October 2015. (Co-Organiser : Rajesh Buch)

Sanitation Roundtable on Achieving Nirmal Bharat as part of the campaign Take Poo to the Loo, IIT Delhi, 6 March 2014
Concept Note | Programme

Summit on Sustainable Habitat, New Delhi, December 9-11, 2011
Brochure | Programme

National Conference on Aging and Dying, IIT Kharagpur, November 4-6, 2005

National Conference on Traditional Knowledge Systems of India, IIT Kharagpur, January 9-11, 2004
Brochure | Programme

2nd Regional Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies, (Bundelkhand Samaaj Srjana Samvaad), Orchha, MP, November 13 - 18, 1999
Brochure | Programme

1st Regional Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies of AP, (Lokavidya Andolana Sadassu), Chirala, AP, June 2 - 4, 1999

3rd Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies of India, (Lokavidya Mahadhiveshan), Gandhian Institute of Studies, Varanasi, October 28 - November 2, 1998


'Harnessing Empathy for Designing Impactfully for Society' for newly joined PCS officers of Tamilnadu Govt at SIRDPR, Chennai on 20 January 2021.

Coordinator of the CEP on Rural Marketing for Rajasthan Khadi Board at IIT Delhi, India, 17-19 Sep 2014.

Coordinator of the CEP on Rural Marketing for Rajasthan Khadi Board at IIT Delhi, India, 25 – 27 Aug 2014.

6th Bamboo Artisans' Training Workshop, KVIC and IIT Delhi, March 8–9 2013 at State Bamboo Mission, Konkan, Maharashtra

5th Bamboo Artisans' Training Workshop, KVIC and IIT Delhi, August 28–29 2012 at State Bamboo Mission, Raipur, Chhattisgarh

National Workshop on Rural Housing Knowledge Network, MoRD and IIT Delhi, July 16, 2012
Workshop Brief| List of Particpiants

4th Bamboo Artisans' Training Workshop, KVIC and IIT Delhi, June 24–25 2012 at State Bamboo Mission, Gangtok, Sikkim

3rd Bamboo Artisans' Training Workshop, KVIC and IIT Delhi, June 21–22 2012 at State Bamboo Mission, Shillong, Meghalaya

2nd Bamboo Artisans' Training Workshop, KVIC and IIT Delhi, June 18–19 2012 at Panchratna, Nalbari, Guwahati, Assam
Workshop Images

1st Bamboo Artisans' Training Workshop, KVIC and IIT Delhi, May 24-25, 2012 at URAVU, Wayanad, Kerala
Workshop Images

Southern Regional Workshop on Rural Housing, MoRD and IIT Delhi, March 1-2, 2012
Workshop Brief | Programme and List of Particpiants

One day Workshop on Development of Handbook for Ecosanitation Systems, IIT Delhi and UNICEF, August 31, 2010
Workshop Brief | Programme and List of Particpiants

Workshop on Developments in Waterless Urinals Technology, IIT Delhi and VVF, March 6, 2010
Workshop Brief | Programme and List of Particpiants | Waterless Urinal Images

One day Workshop on Hind Swaraj : Contemporary Relevance, IIT Delhi, November 2, 2009
Workshop Notes

Round Table on Evolving a fresh approach to learning of Vision, Wisdom and Values, NRCVEE IITD and IITDAA, October 22, 2009
Brochure | Workshop Images

Evolving Citizen-Centric Rural e-Governance Framework, Conducted by: Centre of ICT & e-Governance-IIPA and IIT Delhi, October 5, 2009
Brochure | Workshop Brief

SERC School on Natural Disaster Management, IIT Delhi, December 16 - 27, 2005

Three-Tier Dissemination Event on Bamboo-based Disaster-Resistant Construction Technology, Jointly organised by HSMI & IIT Delhi, March 21 - April 1, 2005

Invited Talks

Delivered a Special Lecture for International Conference SASTRA on 26th February 2021

Delivered a Webinar for National Productivity Council, New Delhi entitled "Are you considering launching your Startup / MSME " on 24th February 2021

Delivered a Masterclass "Designing for People, Putting your Users First" at Atal Innovation Mission - CSIRO Australia i-ACE Hackathon on Circular Economy on 10th February 2021

Delivered a Talk for aspiring entrepreneurs at Panjab University BioNest entitled "Secrets to start your successful Enterprise" on 29th January 2021.

Delivered a Master Class on “Design for Impact” for TITAN CSR in January 2021.

Panelist in Niti Aayog : UNDP Webinar Youth Co:Lab entitled "Rebuilding India through Grassroots Youth-Led Innovation: Post Pandemic Road to Recovery"on 2nd December 2020

Delivered an Invited Talk for NIT Trichy as part of SPARC sponsored Webinar entitled "Gandhian Thoughts for Sustainability" on 11th November 2020.

Ecological Challenges in addressing Sanitation Coverage - The case of India, at ASCI, JNU as part of Refresher Course on Geography on 25 Nov. 2020

Environment Education, 1st Refresher Course in Global Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, April 23, 2013

Search for Sustainability Alternatives in the context of present crisis, Civil Society Round Table, Embassy of Finland, New Delhi, February 4, 2012

Bamboo based Housing for addressing Shelter Security, State Action Plans for Reduction / Removal of Rural Shelterlessness, National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, September 29-30, 2010

Ecosanitation and Waterless Urinals, Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Reuse (DWWT), Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, September 8, 2010

Rootzone Treatment System: Principle and Approaches, Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Reuse (DWWT), Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, August 25, 2010

Waterless Urinals, Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, July 6-9, 2010

Waterless Urinals, Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, June 6-9, 2010

Waterless Urinals, Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, May 12, 2010

Changing Paradigm and Need for Knowledge and Skill Upgradation, Training Needs Assessment of Drinking Water Sector Professionals, Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board and WASMO, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, April 21, 2010

Waterless Urinals, Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, February 24, 2010

Tools for Creative Thinking, Tools for Creative Thinking, Modern School, Barakhamba Rd, New Delhi, February 11, 2010

Self Enquiry for Unlocking Natural Leadership, Self Enquiry for Unlocking Natural Leadership, ABES College of Engineering, Ghaziabad, UP, February 3, 2010

Overview of Sanitation in India, Environmental Sanitation and Health Management, Sulabh International Academy of Environmental Sanitation and Public Health, Delhi, January 18, 2010

Tools for Creative Thinking, Guest Lecture, National Science Centre, Delhi, January 16, 2010

Crises of 5E's and and Keys to Sustainability, Short Term Course on Green Architecture & Carbon Free Living, Dept of Arch & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur, December 23, 2009

Bamboo as a Green Building Material, Short Term Course on Green Architecture & Carbon Free Living, Dept of Arch & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur, December 23, 2009

Waterless Urinals - The Missing Link, Short Term Course on Green Architecture & Carbon Free Living, Dept of Arch & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur, December 23, 2009

Design of Training Course for Professional Development of PHE Engineers, Training Needs Assessment Workshop, Dept of Drinking Water Supply, Govt. of India, December, 2009

Waterless Urinals for Sustainable Resource Management, Training Program on Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Centre for Science & Environment, New Delhi, December 16, 2009

Foundation Course for Complete Leadership, Training Program on Personal Effectiveness, Uttaranchal Academy of Administration, Nainital, December 14, 2009

Technology of Waterless Urinals, 3rd Annual Water Forum, Kolkata, Solutions Exchange (UN), October 28, 2009

Producing Integrated Results through Self Enquiry, QIP/CEP Program for Rajasthan Khadi Board, Dept of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, July 16, 2009

Producing Integrated Results through Self Enquiry, QIP/CEP Program for Rajasthan Khadi Board, Dept of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, February 20, 2009

Producing Integrated Results through Self Enquiry, QIP/CEP Program for Rajasthan Khadi Board, Dept of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, October 14, 2008

Producing Integrated Results through Self Enquiry, QIP/CEP Program for Rajasthan Khadi Board, Dept of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, September 23, 2008

Traditional Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development, Platinum Jubilee Celebration of LIC, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, June, 2008

Traditional Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development, Guest Lecture, School of Planning and Architecture, University of Delhi, June, 2008

Guru, Shishya va Jeevan Lakshya, Guest Lecture, Inter-University Accelerator Centre, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, June, 2008

Power of Positive Thinking, QIP/CEP Program for Rajasthan Khadi Board, Dept of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, March, 2008

Power of Positive Thinking, QIP/CEP Program for Rajasthan Khadi Board, Dept of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, March, 2008

Revisiting Vivekananda, Guest Lecture, Inter-University Accelerator Centre, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, January 12, 2008

Power of Positive Thinking, QIP/CEP Program for Rajasthan Khadi Board, Dept of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, January, 2008

Power of Positive Thinking, QIP/CEP Program for Rajasthan Khadi Board, Dept of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, October, 2007

Impact of Modern Agriculture & Return to Ecological Farming, QIP Course on Biomass Technologies, IIT Delhi, June, 2007

Management and Values, Guest Lecture, Institute of Marketing Management, New Delhi, June, 2007

Sustainable Systems in Rural Habitat, Guest Lecture, Lady Irwin College, New Delhi, November 10, 2006

Small scale production machinery and technological vacuum – Some design directions in the Indian context, QIP/CEP Short Term Course on ‘Emerging needs of Rural Industrialization and the role of S&T Institution’, CRDT, IIT Delhi, June 10, 2005

Traditional Knowledge Systems of India, QIP SERC School on Natural Disaster Management, CRDT, IIT Delhi, December 20, 2005
