Welcome to Venkata Aditya's (Design Website)

Venkata Aditya's Design Website

The aim of this webpage is to understand the usability of HTML. It has also been made to document and upload my progress in Design Course DSL732.

This webpage designing is 102times difficult than what I expected. However, once i got a hang of the procedure involved. I was able to complete the task relatively well.

This webpage has details about self, my progress in the course and the projects I undertake in this period.

In addition to the lecture given by Prof Jay Dhariwal in class, I had followed the following video available on youtube for understanding the development of a webpage and HTML files.

The above video gives a good introduction the basic syntax and the logical procedure to be followed for developing html files. I have to acknowledge that it was very helpful in my progress. I'm presently in the procedure of understanding CSS formating techniques to make my webpage more user friendly, and hope to use this new skill to develop a much better and user friendly webpage in future.