Assignment 2

Data Science

There are times during a research, when we have a lot of data sets with n number of columns and rows, and going through each of them to sort the groups, combine the similar data and remove the duplicates can be very tiring and may lead to errors and discrepancies in our results. To make the analysis, grouping and visualization of data easier and faster, data analysis softwares such as Matlab Online can be used.

Creating account on Matlab Online

Creating an account on Matlab Online is very easy. It can be done in the following steps:

  1. Go to the MathWorks Account Creation page - Matlab Online
  2. Provide the required information - with academic information and institute email
  3. Click 'Create'
  4. Click link in email from MathWorks to verify your email address.
  5. Provide the required information to finish creating your profile, and accept Online Services Agreement.
  6. Click 'Create

Question for analysis

Did GDP growth had an effect on A.C demands in countries – Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and USA, leading to an increase in CO2 emissions between 2013 to 2018?

To answer this question, the datasets of GDP growth, Co2 emissions and AC demands were obtained from trusted sources and imported to MATLAB online for further analysis.

Assignment 2

The step by step analysis has been complied in the following pdf.
Assignment 2 - Data Science


This assignment made me comfortable and confident in managing and analyzing large datasets with ease with minimized chances of error.