EEL 703 (Computer Networks) 3 Credits (3-0-0)
Performance Modeling
1. Introduction
processes, Poisson process
(1 lecture)
2. Markovian Queues
notation, M/M/1, M/M/c, M/M/n/n, stationary probabilities, Little’s
theorem, delay,
throughput and response time
(3 lectures)
3. Non Markovian Queues
M/G/1, G/M/1, Burke’s theorem, vacation model,
priority queues
(2 lectures)
4. Queueing Networks
Open and closed, Jackson theorem
(3 lectures)
5. Network Performance
Slotted and un slotted Aloha,
splitting algorithms, CSMA and CSMA/CD, delay and throughput analysis, case
(4 lectures)
Markovian Queues Notes (pdf file)
Stochastic Petri Net Notes (pdf file)
Non Markovian Queues Notes (pdf file)
For Queueing Networks, please use chapter 9 of Prof. Kishor Trivedi's Book.
Queueing Networks Notes (pdf file)
Tutorial Sheet 1
Hint and Answer
Tutorial Sheet 2
Hint and Answer
Minor 2 Marks as on April 2, 2014
Minor 2 Question Paper (Code A)
Minor 2 Answers (Code A)
Main Text Books
Data Networks, Dimitri P. Bersekas and Gallager, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 1992
(chapters 3 and 4).
Probability and
Statistics with Reliability, Queueing and Computer
Science Applications, Kishor S. Trivedi,
John Wiley, second edition, 2001 (chapters 8 and 9).
Reference Books
Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental
Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling, Raj K.
Jain, Wiley, 1991.
Computer Applications, Volume 2, Queueing Systems, Leonard Kleinrock,
Wiley-Interscience, 1976.