MTL 733 (Stochastic of Finance)

3 Credits (3-0-0) 


II Semester 2024-25

Lecture Classes (Slot AD): Tuesday and Friday between 3:30 PM and 4:50 PM in LH 313.4


MTL 601 (Probability and Statistics) / MTL 106 (Probability and Stochastic Processes)

Knowledge begin with (click this pdf file)



Basic Stochastic process involved in the study of mathematics of finance. Theory of Martingales, Stochastic Integration, Ito's formulae and Stochastic differential equations. Black-Scholes option pricing model, Girsanov's Theorem, Application of Option pricing Models.

Main Text Book

1.    Stochastic Calculus for Finance, Vol. I & Vol. II, S. E. Shreve, Springer (2004).

2.     Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications, Liliana Blanco Castaneda, Viswanathan Arunachalam, Selvamuthu Dharmaraja, Wiley, Asian Edition, Jan. 2016.

3.    Financial Mathematics: An Introduction, Narosa Publishing House, Suresh Chandra, S. Dharmaraja, Aparna Mehra, R. Khemchandani, 2012.

4.    Introduction to Stochastic Processes: Queues, Finance, and Credit Risk, S. Dharmaraja, Springer, 2025. (to be published)


Reference Text Books  

1.      Thomas Mikosh, "Elementry Stochastic Calculus with Finance in view", World Scientific (2006 print).

2.      Fred Espen Benth, "Option Theory with Stochastic Analysis: An introduction to mathematical finance", Springer (2002).  


Tutorial Sheets

Tutorial Sheet 1

Tutorial Sheet 2

Tutorial Sheet 3

Tutorial Sheet 4

Tutorial Sheet 5

Tutorial Sheet 6



·         Students are encouraged to contact the Course Coordinator or Tutorial Teacher for any difficulties regarding the course.

·         Only those students who could not appear for the minor test due to medical reasons are eligible for the make up examination which will be conducted before the major examination. However, submission of a valid medical certificate adhering to the institute norms is mandatory.

·         The evaluated minor answer books will be returned to the students and they must retain with them as a proof of the marks secured.

INFORMATION about the Instructor


Room No.

Phone No.


S Dharmaraja

615, Academic Complex West







(S. Dharmaraja)

Course Coordinator


This page maintained by Dr. S. Dharmaraja and last updated Thu Jan. 09, 2025.