1. Course Handout

1.1. Exams

Please bring your laptop to every class even for physical classes - the surprise quiz will be done online in gradescope.com[1] and you will be given zero marks if you do not have a laptop to take it online.

The exam can be taken from a mobile but it will be difficult to answer on the small mobile screen.

Please ensure that the lockdown browser is pre-installed on your laptop

Surprise Quiz

15 marks
(3 surprise quizzes with 5 marks per quiz ;
Each Instructor will take 1 Surprise Quiz of 5 marks)


30 marks


55 marks

1.2. Online mode

This course will start in hybrid mode — Subrat Kar will teach with online class — later on, the class may become physical mode only after a classroom is allotted, depending on format chosen by Prof TKG and SG.)

1.3. Course Syllabus

Subrat Kar (04 Aug-10 Sept)

Introduction to embedded system. Hardware- Software Co-design, use of UML. Networked Embedded Systems : Distributed Embedded Architectures, Protocol Design issues, wireless network.

Tapan K Gandhi (10 sept-24 Sept)

Embedded Multimedia and Telecommunication Applications: Digital Camera, Digital TV, Set-top Box, Voice and Video telephony. Embedded Control Applications, applications

MINOR EXAM will be held at this point - Sep 25-28 2022 (see TimeTable for exact date) !

Course for Minor exam is from portion taught so far.

Sourabh Gandhi (24 Sept-15 Nov)

Architectural Issues: CISC, RISC, DSP Architectures. Component Interfacing, Software for Embedded Systems : Program Design and optimisation techniques, OS for Embedded Systems, Real-time Issues. Designing Embedded Systems : Design Issues

Major Exam will be held at this point - Nov 17-26 2022 (see TimeTable for exact date), the end of the course.

Exam is from the entire course taught by all three Instructors.

1. Tutorial for students on How to take a Gradescope Exam — link:https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/gradescope/