Presentations delivered at International and National Platforms (Selected)


  1. Shape and future for Libraries in India and for the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, University College London (UCL), UK, January 15 (15-17) 2020.
  2. Discovering new competencies for LIS professionals: Indian perspective in the Special Libraries Associations (SLA) Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, June 17 (14-18), 2019.
  3. Innovative Library Services: An experiment at IIT Delhi in the Special Libraries Associations (SLA) Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, June 17 (14-18), 2019 (Poster Presentation).
  4. Research Ethics Scenario in Indian Institutions in the Global Library Advisory Board Meeting, November 19-20, 2018, Madrid, Spain, CUP (As Panelist).
  5. Deciphering Research Needs: User-Centric Content to Empower Knowledge in the South Asia e-Book Forum, May 23 (22-23), 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka (As Panelist).
  6. Aligarh Muslim University: A Beacon of Modernity with Traditional Values in the Two Day International Conference on Bicentenary Celebrations of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, July 17 (17-18), 2017, AMU Alumni Association Mauritius, Indian Council of Cultural Relations, High Commission of India & Urdu Speaking Union, Port Louis, Mauritius.
  7. Library and Information Science Research Output: A study based on Web of Science in the 10th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 15th COLLNET Meeting, Sept. 4, 2014 (Sept. 3-5), Ilmenau University of Technology & Collnet, Ilmenau, Germany.
  8. ETDs and IRs under ICAR: A case study of KrishiPrabha and eGRANTH Consortium Projects in the International Conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL-2013), Manila, Philippines, April 11 (Apr. 10-12), 2013 (Won the Appreciation Award).
  9. Roadmap for RFID implementation in Libraries: Issues and Challenges in the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Resource Sharing (ICKMARS-2012), February 29 (Feb. 28-29), 2012, Waljat College of Applied Sciences & BIT, Ranchi at Muscat, Oman (Won Best Paper Presentation Award).
  10. Issues, Challenges and Scope in eBook environment with special reference to India in the 3rd International Conference on Libraries, Information and Society (ICoLIS 2010): Towards greater information accessibility, November 10 (Nov.9-10), 2010, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  11. INTERNATIONAL as Invited Speaker/Panelist/Resource Person, etc. in India

  12. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility and Impact of Research Output, in the Elsevier sponsored event on Promoting Research Excellence in Academics across Pakistan, Feb. 1, 2022..
  13. Libraries and Library Professionals in the New Normal: A case study of India, in the Webinar on Where Do We Go from Here? Special Librarians Reckoning with the Pandemic,SLA-LMD, Nov. 9, 2021 (Panelist).
  14. Beyond Covid 19: A changed world for librarians & publishers (Panelist), Springer Nature, Oct. 20, 2021 (Panelist).
  15. Changing role of libraries and librarians in the digital era, in the International conference on marketing of information products and serviecs, Shri Binzani City College Ngapur/Aggarwal College Ballabgarh, Oct. 5, 2021.
  16. International Talks: Visiting Librarians Program, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, SLA & APPTIS, September 15, 2021 (Keynote Speaker).
  17. Excellence in Library Services: An Experience with Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, SLA Annual Conference 2021: Destination Everywhere, August 14 (Aug. 3-13), 2021.
  18. Marketing Strategies and Services to the Library Patrons during the Pandemic: A Case Study of India, SLA Annual Conference 2021: Destination Everywhere, August 14 (Aug. 3-13), 2021.
  19. Innovative Library services during the pandemic and the Road Ahead: Perspectives from Indian sub-continent, August 13, 2021, SLA Annual Conference 2021: Destination Everywhere, August 13 (Aug. 3-13), 2021.
  20. Libraries and Library Professionals in the New Normal: A case study of India, August 11, 2021 , August 14 (Aug. 3-13), 2021.
  21. Podcast with TDNet New York, USA on my perspective about the Profession with special reference recent Engineering Librarian of the Year Award 2021, July 8, 2021.
  22. International Talks: Visiting Librarians Program, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, SLA & APPTIS, using Zoom, April 15, 2021 (Keynote Speaker).
  23. Libraries and Library Professionals in the New Normal: A case study of India, in the International Online Conference 2021 on Transformation of the Library Ecosystem: Terrains and Trajectories, Calicut University, Feb. 24, 2021.
  24. Functioning and Contribution of the Libraries in the New Normal: A Case Study of India, International Virtual Conference on Challenges and Opportunities to Libraries and LIS Professionals in the Changing Global Scenario, SALIS, Chennai, Dec. 28, 2020.
  25. International: The role of libraries in crisis and recovery, in CILIP Annual Conference Reimagined, London, Nov. 19, 2020.
  26. Importance of Text Book in teaching and research: A case study of IIT Delhi, in Elsevier EBook Forum, Oct. 6, 2020.
  27. Virtually Yours: Top Tips for Providing Outstanding Virtual Programming, in the SLA Town Hall, Sept. 23, 2020.
  28. SLA Asia Webinar Series: A Report, SLA Town Hall, Sept. 17, 2020.
  29. Mapping & Maximising Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output, in the Webinar Lecture Series on New Landscape of Library and Information Science, DLIS-AMU, using Webex Platform, Sept. 11, 2020.
  30. Excelelnce in Library Services: A case study of IIT Delhi in the Third Conference on Re-inventing Excellence in Librarianship (LIASCON-2020), LISAcademy & University of Hyderabad, 28 August 2020.
  31. Librarianship: New Skills Required Based on Current Times, Webinar on International Resources with Experts (WIRE), hosted Balani Infotech, using Zoom Platform, August 13, 2020.
  32. Mapping & Maximising Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output, International Webinar on Research Writing & Publishing, hosted Authorcafe, using Webex Platform, July 8, 2020.
  33. Maximizing visibility and impact of research output, FDP/Webinar hosted by MIT Pune, using GoToWebinar Platform, June 20, 2020.
  34. Mapping & Maximizing Academic Visibility and Impact of Research, 18th Webinar hosted by Dept. of Library and Information Science, Punjab University, Chandigarh, using Webex Platform, June 20, 2020.
  35. SOPs/Protocols for Reopening and Functioning of the Libraries during COVID-19, Webinar organized by Odisha Library Academy (OLA), using YouTube Live Platform, June 13, 2020.
  36. SOPs for Libraries during COVID-19, Webinar organized by MIT Aurangabad, June 12, 2020.
  37. Transforming Libraries and Librarians in the Digital Era, Webinar organized by Bilasa College Library, Bilaspur (Chattisgarh), using ZOOM Platform, June 08, 2020.
  38. Maximizing Visibility of Research Output, Webinar organized by KNimbus, University of Jammu and IIT Jammu, using Webex Platform, June 07, 2020.
  39. Empowering Librarians to Provide Services in COVID-19 Environment, Webinar hosted by Delhi Library Association, May 29, 2020, using the Webex Platform.
  40. Changing role of Libraries and Librarians, Webinar hosted by MIT Pune, using GoToWebinar Platform, May 10, 2020.
  41. Marketing of Library Resources, Services and Products, Webinar hosted by MPLA using WebeX Platform, May 6, 2020.
  42. ETD Lifecycle Management: A case study of IIT Delhi in the Seminar on ETD Life Cycle Management, IGNCA & Authorcafe, New Delhi, January 30, 2020.
  43. Shape and future for Libraries in India and for the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi at University College London, UK, January 15 (15-17) 2020
  44. Policies, Issues, Challenges and Best Practices for Subscription of E-Resources in the Continuous Development Program (CDP), NCERT, New Delhi, January 27, 2020.
  45. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching, Research and for Improving Visibility in the Faculty Development Program (FDP) on e-Education and its tools: A step towards digital India, Agra College, January 11, 2020.
  46. Changing Role of Libraries and Librarians in Digital Age as Chief Guest (Valedictory) in the 2nd National Conference on Development of Digital Libraries in IPR Regime, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University Lucknow, December 22, 2019.
  47. Towards a Digital Library: by the Communities and for the Communities in the KEDL 2019: NDLI-UNESCO International Symposium on Knowledge Engineering for Digital Library Design, New Delhi, NDLI, UNESCO and IIT Delhi, December 10 (9-11), 2019.
  48. Information Retrieval in Digital Environment: An Indian perspective in the ICDL 2019: Digital transformation for an agile environment, New Delhi, TERI, November 6 (6-8), 2019.
  49. Digital Initiatives at IIT Delhi in the 2nd International Conference of Central Govt. Library Association on Equitable Access to Govt. Information and Data, New Delhi, CGLA & IGNCA, October 17 (17-19), 2019.
  50. Changing Role of Libraries and Librarians in the 2nd International Conference on Digital Transformation: A cognitive learning towards Artificial Intelligence. New Delhi, National Law University of Delhi, September 6 (6-8), 2019.
  51. Predatory Journals: A curse for open access movement in the Royal Society of Chemistry's Biennial 4th Librarian Appreciation Day and Seminar, Kolkata, August 23, 2019.
  52. Discovering new competencies for LIS professionals: Indian perspective in the Special Libraries Association's (SLA) Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, June 17 (14-18), 2019.
  53. Future Libraries and User Expectations in the 3rd DLA-SRFLIS Summit 2019 on Digital Age Strategies in Information Management for Sustainable Librarianship, April 20 (19-20), 2019, New Delhi, DLA & SRFLIS.
  54. Libraries and Librarianship in digital plus era in the Sixth International Conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL 2019), Feb. 15 (14-16), 2019, New Delhi, SLA, IEG & AUD (Valedictory Address as President Elect of the Asian Chapter-SLA (ICoASL).
  55. Web 3.0 application in Libraries: A case study of IIT Delhi in the Sixth International Conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL 2019) on Libraries and Librarianship in digital plus era, Feb. 14 (14-16), 2019, New Delhi, SLA, IEG & AUD (Invited Speaker).
  56. Research Ethics Scenario in Indian Institutions in the Global Library Advisory Board Meeting, November 19-20, 2018, Madrid, Spain (As Panelist).
  57. Mapping the Impact of Research and Role of the Librarian, in the International Conference on “Scholarly Communication, Open-access Publishing and Ethics (SCOPE-2018), October 25 (25-26), 2018, Vijayawada, School of Planning and Architecture.
  58. eBooks: Issues, Challenges, Procurement Policies and Procedures at the Librarian Seminar on Guaranteeing access to knowledge: Capacity Building for Digital Libraries, October 15, 2018, New Delhi, Taylor & Francis (As Panelist).
  59. Smart Services for Smart Libraries: Emerging Trends in the 3rd International Conference of Asian Libraries on Building Smart Libraries: Changes, Challenges, Issues, & Strategies, August 7 (6-8), 2018, Srinagar, Asian Library Association & Central University of Kashmir(As Panelist).
  60. 3rd International Conference of Asian Libraries on Building Smart Libraries: Changes, Challenges, Issues, & Strategies, August 8 (6-8), 2018, Srinagar, Asian Library Association & Central University of Kashmir (Valedictory Address as Rapporteur-General).
  61. Deciphering Research Needs: User-Centric Content to Empower Knowledge in the South Asia e-Book Forum, May 23 (22-23), 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka (As Panelist).
  62. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding: Experiments at Aligarh Muslim University in the IEEE International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS-2018), February 22 (21-23), 2018, Bennett University, Greater Noida.
  63. Are Libraries being Overcharged by Publishers in the 2nd International Conference of Asian Libraries, October 27 (26-28), 2017, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (As Panelist).
  64. Aligarh Muslim University: A Beacon of Modernity with Traditional Values in the Bicentenary Conference on Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, July 17-18, 2017, AMU Alumni Association Mauritius & Indian High Commission, Port Louis, Mauritius.
  65. Welcome Address and Introduction of the Seminar in the UN-AMU-UN WOMEN Seminar on International Women's Day, "Agenda 2030- Expanding the Knowledge Frontier", March 7, 2017, AMU Aligarh (Convener Address).
  66. New and Innovative Library & Information Services @AMU in the International Seminar on New and Innovative Library & Information Services, February 22, 2017, IFLA & Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (Invited Speaker).
  67. Implementation and adoption of KM in Libraries: Measuring Impact and Future Applicabilities in the International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Discovery and Networking (KGDAN-2017), February 16 (15-16), 2017, DLIS, AMU, Aligarh (Keynote Speaker).
  68. Plagiarism: Giving credit Where credit is Due! in the International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Discovery and Networking (KGDAN-2017), February 16 (15-16), 2017, DLIS, AMU, Aligarh.
  69. Acquiring the right digital contents for Libraries in the Elsevier South Asia eBook Forum 2016, May 30, Gurgaon.
  70. Assessing & Maximizing the impact of research in the workshop on "Assessing Impact of Research: Developing Better Research Skills", February 26, 2016, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi.
  71. Changing services in Libraries: From P to E in the One day seminar on From Print to Electronic: Managing the transformation, December 19, 2015, Asia-Pacific Institute of Management & Asian Library Association, New Delhi.
  72. Knowledge Sharing on Sustainable Development: Role of Media, Knowledge Networks and Libraries in the Seminar on Youth and Sustainable development: Role of Media, Knowledge Networks and Libraries, August 11, 2015, United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan, New Delhi.
  73. E-resources and Consortia Management: A case of IIT Delhi in the ASIALA 2015-Seminar on Managing Libraries and Learning Resources: Repositioning libraries in virtual era, May 16, 2015, Delhi Technological University in collaboration with the Asian Library Association, New Delhi.
  74. Policies and Managerial Issues in IPR in the 4th Library and Information Professional Summit 2015 on “Transforming Dimension of IPR: Challenges for New Age Libraries (LIPS-2015)”, January 24, 2015, National Law University, SLP, SLA & UNIC New Delhi.
  75. Library Services and Resource sharing: An experience with IIT Delhi and INDEST-AICTE Consortium in the Indo-US Joint programme entitled, “International Meeting Workshop on Library Information Systems and Services: Challenges and Opportunities, Nov. 5, 2014, NISTADS, & People to People (USA), New Delhi.
  76. Redefining the eBook experience: A case study of IIT Delhi in the ProQuest EBooks day on ebrary and EBL models: Addressing the challenges of acquiring e-books in Indian scenario, June 8, 2014, University of Delhi South Campus, & Proquest, New Delhi.
  77. RFID implementation in Libraries: Issues, Challenges and Impact in the Library and Information Professionals Summit (LIPS-2014): From Brick to Click: Transforming Libraries into Social Spaces, February 8 (Feb. 7-8), 2014, University of Delhi South Campus, SLP, SLA & UNIC, New Delhi.
  78. IIT Delhi Library System and Services: An Overview and Future Plans in the Indo-Canadian Best Practices Symposium of Library Professional, November 11, 2013, IIT Roorkee.
  79. Changing Role of Librarians in the Higher Education Librarian’s Conclave, June 17, 2013, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
  80. Digitization and Access Management: Librarian’s point of view in the International Conference on Digital Archiving of Community Knowledge, December 17 (Dec. 15-18), 2010, Ambedkar University Delhi in collaboration with University of Cambridge, UK, New Delhi.
  81. Status of Library and Information Systems in SAUs of India in the Indo-US AKI Workshop on Strengthening of Indian Libraries & Information System, May 16 (May 16-17), 2007, IARI, New Delhi.
  82. INTERNATIONAL as a Participant, etc. in India

  83. Cloud Computing Application in Libraries: A Case Study of Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, SLA Annual Conference 2021: Destination Everywhere, August 13 (Aug. 3-13), 2021 (Poster Presentation Talk).
  84. Copyright & online contents: global perspective with special reference to India in the 2nd International Conference on Changing Landscape of Science & Technology Libraries (CLSTL 2019), March 1 (Feb. 28-March 2, 2019, IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
  85. Web Analytics tools: Usage among Indian Library Professionals in the IEEE International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS-2018), February 22 (21-23), 2018, Bennett University, Greater Noida.
  86. Availability and Usage of E-Books at Aligarh Muslim University: Researchers Viewpoint in the 2nd International Conference of Asian Libraries, October 27 (26-28), 2017, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
  87. Research publications from India and Germany: A scientometric study in the 11th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) and the 16th COLLNET Meeting 2015, November 27, 2015 (November 26-28), IEG & COLLNET, New Delhi.
  88. Digitization and Access Management: A case study of IIT Delhi in the ETD 2015 INDIA: 18th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations on Evolving genre of Electronic Theses and Dissertations for Knowledge Discovery, November 5, 2015 (November 4-6), JNU & NDLTD, New Delhi.
  89. KrishiPrabha@KrishiKosh: An ETD of ICAR in the ETD 2015 INDIA: 18th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations on Evolving genre of Electronic Theses and Dissertations for Knowledge Discovery, November 5, 2015 (November 4-6), JNU & NDLTD, New Delhi.
  90. Libraries, Consortia and Change Management in the 2nd Tecnia-SRFLIS Summit International Conference on Grey to Green, April 11, 2015 (Apr. 11-12), Tecnia & SRFLIS, New Delhi.
  91. Library promotion and resource generation through crowd sourcing in the International Conference of Libraries, Archives and Museums (ICLAM), November 28, 2014 (Nov. 27-29), NIFT, IGNCA & IFLA, New Delhi.
  92. Library and Information Science Research Output: A study based on Web of Science in the 10th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 15th COLLNET Meeting, Sept. 4, 2014 (Sept. 3-5), Ilmenau University of Technology & Collnet, Ilmenau, Germany.
  93. eBook selection and acquisition process: An evaluative study in the International Conference on Paradigm Shifts on Knowledge Innovation, Information Representation, Information Management Systems and Librarianship, April 12 (11-12), 2014, SRFLISindia & Tecnia, New Delhi.
  94. Consortium Library Projects @ICAR: A case study in the Library and Information Professionals Summit (LIPS-2014): From Brick to Click: Transforming Libraries into Social Spaces: February 8 (Feb. 7-8), 2014, University of Delhi South Campus, SLP, SLA & UNIC, New Delhi.
  95. Digital Library Literature: A Scientometric study in the International Conference on Digital Libraries-2013 (ICDL-2013), November 29 (Nov. 27-29), 2013, TERI, New Delhi.
  96. A Study on Strengthening of Digital Library and Information Management under NARS in the International Conference on Digital Libraries-2013 (ICDL-2013), November 29 (Nov. 27-29), 2013, TERI, New Delhi.
  97. ETDs and IRs under ICAR: A case study of KrishiPrabha and eGRANTH Consortium Projects in the International Conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL-2013), Manila, Philippines, April 11 (Apr. 10-12), 2013 (Won the Appreciation Award).
  98. Buying eBooks: A comparative study of different models in the SAARC Conference for Library and Information Professionals on Trends and Development in Library and Information Science, December 1 (Dec. 1-2), 2012, SAARC Documentation Centre & BIMTECH, NOIDA.
  99. Roadmap for RFID implementation in Libraries: Issues and Challenges in the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Resource Sharing (ICKMARS-2012), February 29 (Feb. 28-29), 2012, Waljat College of Applied Sciences & BIT, Ranchi at Muscat, Oman (Won Best Paper Presentation Award).
  100. Cloud computing and its application in libraries in the International Conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums: User empowerment through digital technologies (ICLAM-2011), February 16 (Feb. 15-17), 2011, NIFT-IFLA, New Delhi.
  101. eBooks@IIT Delhi: A usage study in the International Conference on Digital Libraries & Knowledge Organization (ICDK-2011), February 14 (Feb. 14-16), 2011, MDI, IASLIC and INDEST, Gurgaon.
  102. Issues, Challenges and Scope in eBook environment with special reference to India in the 3rd International Conference on Libraries, Information and Society (ICoLIS 2010): Towards greater information accessibility, November 10 (Nov.9-10), 2010, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  103. Z39.50 and its application in library and information system in the International Conference on Digital Libraries 2010 (ICDL-2010), February 23 (Feb. 23-26), 2010, TERI & IGNOU, New Delhi.
  104. Issues and Challenges in Open Source Software Environment with special reference to India in the International Conference on Academic Libraries (ICAL-2009), October 6 (Oct. 5-8), 2009, Delhi University Library System, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Presentations delivered at NATIONAL PLATFORMS as Keynote Speaker/ Invited Speaker/Resource Person/Valedictory/Inaugural, etc.

  1. Prof. P. N. Kaula Endowment Lecture for the year 2021-22 on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Library and Information Services, Department of Library & Information Science, University of Madras, Feb. 15, 2022.
  2. Predatory Publishing: Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead, Department of Library & Information Science & HRDC, University of Calcutta, Feb. 9, 2022.
  3. Orientation Programme on Predatory Journals and UGC-CARE Listing of Journals, Jamia Hamdard University,New Delhi, Feb. 3, 2022.
  4. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output , UGC-HRDC, Panjab University, Feb. 1, 2022.
  5. Open Educational Resources (OER) and MOOCs , Poornima University & NDLI, Jaipur, Jan. 29 2022.
  6. OER for MOOCs development, at the UGC-HRDC, Jammu University, Dec. 22, 2021.
  7. Plagiarism and MOOCs, at the UGC-HRDC, Jammu University, Dec. 21, 2021.
  8. Emerging trends and techniques in library and information services, at the UGC-HRDC/DLIS, Manipur University, Dec. 15, 2021.
  9. Emerging trends and techniques for digital transformation in library services in digital era, at the 24th National Convention on Knowledge Library and Informatin Networking (NACLIN 2021), Dec. 8 (Dec. 6-8), 2021.
  10. IPR/Copyright and licensing issues in print & digital environment, in the Workshop on Research and Publication Ethics for the Ph.D. Scholars, Central University of Kashmir, Nov. 11, 2021.
  11. Plagiarism: Giving credit where credit is due, FDP, UGC-HRDC, MANUU, Dec. 1, 2021.
  12. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output, FDP, UGC-HRDC, MANUU, Dec. 1, 2021.
  13. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility and Impact of Research Output, FDP, NIT Jullundhar, Nov. 16, 2021.
  14. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output, in the one week AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Program on Information Sources and Learning in Digital Age: Challenges and Prospects, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Nov. 8, 2021.
  15. IPR/Copyright and licensing issues in print & digital environment, HRDC, Jamia Millia Islamia Central University, Nov. 1, 2021.
  16. Libraries and Library Professionals in the Digital Era, Dept. of LIS, Sambalpur University, Oct. 28, 2021.
  17. Libraries and Librarians in the Internet Era, Dept. of LIS, AICTE-CSV Technical University Bhilai, Oct. 25, 2021.
  18. IRINS Coordiantors meeting: A report by IIT Delhi, INFLIBNET, Oct. 22, 2021.
  19. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output, in the Two Weeks Research Methodology Workshop for the Ph.D. Scholars, Central University of Kashmir, Oct. 7, 2021.
  20. Cloud computing and its application in libraries, HRDC, Dr. HS Gour University Sagar, Sept. 1, 2021.
  21. Changing role of libraries and librarians, HRDC, Dr. HS Gour University Sagar, Sept. 1, 2021.
  22. Librarian Forum 2021 on Role of Lirbarians in promoting research integrity (Pnelist), Clarivate, August 26, 2021.
  23. IPR/Copyright and licensing issues in print & digital environment, HRDC, Jamia Millia Islamia Central University, Augsut 25, 2021.
  24. Current trends in academics: The way forward to create agile and resilient libraries, ADINET, August 14, 2021.
  25. Librarianship at the crossroads (Panelist), lisforum_orissa, August 12, 2021.
  26. Predatory Publishing: Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead in Short-Term Training Programme (STTP) on Library Automation, Management and Innovative Library Services, Rajiv Gandhi Technology University, Bhopal, August 3, 2021.
  27. Cloud computing and its application in libraries in Short-Term Training Programme (STTP) on Library Automation, Management and Innovative Library Services, Rajiv Gandhi Technology University, Bhopal, August 2, 2021.
  28. Excellence in Library Services: An Experience with IIT Delhi, Dept. of LIS, Central University of Haryana, July 7, 2021.
  29. Predatory Publishing: Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead, in the Workshop/Interdisciplinary Refresher Course in Library Sciences, on Skills and Expertise in Digital Information Landscape, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, April 24, 2021.
  30. World Book and Copyright Day: Read, so you never feel alone!, in the programme to celebrate, World Book and Copyright Day 2021, DLIS, Central University of Gujarat using TEAMS, April 23, 2021.
  31. Skills and Competencies in Digital Information Landscape, in the Workshop/Interdisciplinary Refresher Course in Library Sciences, on Skills and Expertise in Digital Information Landscape, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, April 13, 2021.
  32. Predatory Publishing: Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead, in the Course Workshop on Research and Publication Ethics, for the Research Scholars, March 27, 2021.
  33. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output, in the Online Training Programme on Research and Publication Ethics (RPE), Central University of South Bihar, March 18, 2021.
  34. Cloud Computing and its Application in Libraries, in Refresher Course in LIS, HRDC-AMU, Feb. 26, 2021.
  35. Libraries and Library Professionals in the New Normal: An Indian perspective in the AICTE-RGPV Joint Teachers Training Program, RGPV Bhopal, Jan. 27, 2021.
  36. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output in the AICTE-RGPV Joint Teachers Training Program, RGPV Bhopal, Jan. 27, 2021.
  37. Policies, Issues, Challenges and Best Practices for Subscription of E-Resources, in the Refresher Course in Library and Information Science, UGC-HRDC, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, December 16, 2020.
  38. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output, in the Refresher Course in Library and Information Science, UGC-HRDC, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, December 16, 2020.
  39. Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output, in the Workshop on Online Courses & Open Educational Resources, HRDC-AMU, December 10, 2020.
  40. Tools for Maximising Academic Visibility, in One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on 'Digital Tools for Sustaining Academic Research during Pandemic COVID-19, Hamidia College, Allahabad, Sept. 7, 2019.
  41. Policies, Issues, Challenges and Best Practices for Subscription of E-Resources, National Web Conference on Future of Libraries in Digital Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Librarianship in the Post COVID Era, Chhattisgarh Library and Information Science Network (CLISNET), using Webex Platform, August 13, 2020.
  42. Librarianship: New Skills Required Based on Current Time (as Moderator), by Balani Infotech, using Zoom Platform, August 13, 2020.
  43. Policies, Issues, challenges and Best Practices for Subscription of E-Resources, in National Level Webinar on Policies, Issues, challenges and Best Practices for Subscription of E-Resources, by Nehru Institute Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore, using Zoom Platform, July 30, 2020.
  44. Mapping & Maximising Academic Visibility & Impact of Research Output, in One Week Online Faculty Development Program on Search, Research and Publishing Ethics: Enhancing visibility and quality of research output, by Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad, using Zoom Platform, July 17, 2020.
  45. Online Tools for Maximising Academic Visibility and Impact of Research Output, in 10 Day National Level Online Multi-Disciplinary Short-term course on MOOCs, Creation of e-Content and OERS, BY Govt. First Grade College, KR Purama, Bangalore, using YouTube Platform, July 9, 2020.
  46. Mapping and Improving Academic & Research Visibility and Public Perception using Resources, Services and Products, in National e-Conference organized by Smt. RS College, Anjangaon Surji, Amravati, Maharashtra, June 24, 2020.
  47. Transforming Libraries and Librarians in the Digital era, in the Three Days National Webinar on Digital Learning and Online Library Services, DLIS, Govt. Bilasa Girls PG Autonomous College, Bilaspur, June 6, 2020.
  48. SOPs/Protocols for Functioning of the Central Library during COVID-19, All IIT Librarians Meet, hosted by IIT Madras using Google Meet, June 5, 2020.
  49. SOPs/Protocols for Functioning of the Central Library during COVID-19, All IIT Librarians Meet, hosted by IIT Madras using Google Meet, June 5, 2020.
  50. Library Presentation and Orientation to University of Delhi BLIS Internship students, hosted by IIT Delhi using Google Meet, June 1, 2020.
  51. Preservation and Conservation of Library Material with Special Reference to Digital Contents for the Course Participants of PG Diploma in Digital Library and Data Management and PG Diploma in Manuscriptology and Palaeography, IGNCA, February 26, 2020.
  52. Maximizing Visibility of Research Outputs for the Course Participants of PG Diploma in Digital Library and Data Management and PG Diploma in Manuscriptology and Palaeography, IGNCA, February 17, 2020.
  53. Digital Transformation and Changing Role of Libraries in the National Workshop on Transforming Libraries through LibSys Automation Software, Mandsaur University, Mandsaur, February 16, 2020.
  54. ETD Lifecycle Management: A case study of IIT Delhi in the Seminar on ETD Life Cycle Management, IGNCA & Authorcafe, New Delhi, January 30, 2020.
  55. Policies, Issues, Challenges and Best Practices for Subscription of E-Resources in the Continuous Development Program (CDP), NCERT, New Delhi, January 27, 2020.
  56. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching, Research and for Improving Visibility in the Faculty Development Program (FDP) on e-Education and its tools: A step towards digital India, Agra College, January 11, 2020.
  57. Status of Libraries and Librarians in India, in the Special Libraries Associations (SLA) Annual Conference, Charlotte, USA, Oct. 15-18, 2020 (Poster Presentation/Virtual) (Won Overall Best Poster Award).
  58. Changing Role of Libraries and Librarians in Digital Age as Chief Guest (Valedictory) in the 2nd National Conference on Development of Digital Libraries in IPR Regime, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University Lucknow, December 22, 2019.
  59. Changing Role of Libraries and Librarians as 8th Padma Shri Prof. P.N. Kaula Memorial Lecture, Delhi Library Association, November 24, 2019.
  60. ARPIT with special reference to ETTLIS in the Seminar on Bridging Educational Divides through MOOCs and OERs, National Law University Delhi, November 23, 2019.
  61. RFID Implementation in Libraries for the Course Particiapnts of PG Diploma in Digital Library and Data Management and PG Diploma in Manuscriptology and Palaeography, IGNCA, October 31, 2019.
  62. Electronic Surevillance Technologies and Inventory Management: RFID Technologies in the FDP on Information Technology Applications in Library and Information Scienes, October 18, 2019, Ramanujan College-University of Delhi & IGNCA, New Delhi.
  63. National Board of Accreditation (NBA): Guidelines for the Libraries in the National Seminar on Role of Libraries in the Ranking of Institutions, September 23, 2019, Bennett University, Greater Noida.
  64. The Naural Wisdom of Books and the Art of Learning in the Mindshare Conclave on Pedagogy and basic Research, September 27, 2019, Mindshare & DMS, IIT Delhi.
  65. Maximizing visibility of research outputs for the Course Particiapnts of PG Diploma in Digital Library and Data Management and PG Diploma in Manuscriptology and Palaeography, IGNCA, August 19, 2019.
  66. New Roles for LIS Professionals to Survive in the Changed Environment in the National Seminar on Enhancing the role of the Library with New Tolls for Teaching and Learning, August 2, 2019, National Brain Research Institute/DelCon, Manesar (Haryana).
  67. RFID implementation in Libraries in the Refresher Course in Library and Information Science on the theme 'Capacity Building Enhancement in Digital Era for Sustainable Development', June 11, 2019, CPDHE, University of Delhi, Delhi.
  68. Mahatma Gandhi and his Vision for the Libraries in the Symposium on Gandhis Non-Violence: Relevance for Librarians, May 17, 2019, Delhi Public Library and Gandhi Smriti & Darshan Samiti, New Delhi.
  69. Contributions of IIT Delhi towards Socio-Economic Development in the ASIALA One Day National Seminar on Role of Libraries in Socio-Cultural & Economic Development: A emerging perspective, April 12, 2019, ASIALA & IGNCA, New Delhi.
  70. Uniformity in Library Staff Structure, Designation and Grade Pay across all IITs in the 7th Annual Meeting of All IIT Librarians, March 3, 2019, IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
  71. Riding the Wave: Discovering New Competencies for LIS Professionals in the Symposium on Resources, Riding the Wave: Discovering New Competencies for LIS Professionals, DELNET & SLA, DELNET, New Delhi, February 13, 2019 (As Panelist).
  72. Resources, Services and Infrastructure at Central Library - the knowledge hub of IIT Delhi for the BLIS, MLIS and Faculty of the CCS Meerut University, Dept. of Library and Information Science, IIT Delhi, February 1, 2019.
  73. E-Resource Management (ERM): Softwares, Procurement, Practices, Usage and Challenges in the “Workshop on E-Resource Management and Web-based Library Services for the Library staff of NIE and its constituent libraries” NCERT, New Delhi, January 8, 2019.
  74. RFID Implementation in Libraries in Refresher Course in Library Science, UGC HRDC, Allahabad University, Prayagraj, December 17, 2018.
  75. Mapping and Maximizing the Impact of Research and Role of the Librarian in Refresher Course in Library Science, UGC HRDC, Allahabad University, Prayagraj, December 17, 2018.
  76. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding: An Opportunity to Libraries for Promotion and Resource Generation in the Changing Scenario in Refresher Course in Library Science, UGC HRDC, Allahabad University, Prayagraj, December 18, 2018.
  77. eBooks: Issues, Challenges, Procurement Policies and Procedures in Refresher Course in Library Science, UGC HRDC, Allahabad University, Prayagraj, December 18, 2018.
  78. Emerging Trends in Copyright for Online Contents in Annual Library Meet of the Librarians from the Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) NOIDA, GAIL, December 6, 2018.
  79. Library Professionals in IIT Libraries in the IASLIC-IGNOU Librarians Day National Seminar on Library professionals at the crossroads New Delhi, Sept. 17, 2018.
  80. Distinctive Positioning for the Future Librarians in the Librarian Leadership Summit 2018, SLS Noida, IICA and SSC Online, NOIDA, Sept. 15, 2018.
  81. Emerging trends in Librarianship in the current digital era in the Silver Jubilee Seminar on Library Education and Librarianship in the current digital era, Ranganathan Research Circle, New Delhi, August 29, 2018.
  82. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding: A case study of Maulana Azad Library in the National Seminar on Knowledge Management in Libraries: Issues and Challenges, Dept. of Library and Information Science, AMU, Aligarh, March 27 (27-28),2018.
  83. The Resources of MA Library in Orientation Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, March 21, 2018.
  84. Conducted Workshop on Plagiarism for the Faculty of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh, March 15, 2018.
  85. The Resources of MA Library in Orientation Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, March 12, 2018.
  86. Plagiarism in the Subject Refresher Course (Arts & Social Sciences), UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, March 10, 2018.
  87. Skills to Reach Categorical Web Sources related to Research in the National Workshop on Developing Skills in Quantitative Research, Dept. of Physical Education, AMU, Aligarh, March 6, 2018.
  88. Resources and Products for the Research in the Induction Course for the New Appointed Assistant Professors, HRDC- AMU, Aligarh, March 4, 2018.
  89. Plagiarism in the National Workshop on Research Methodology, SS Hall (South)-HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, February 25, 2018.
  90. E-Resources in the 148th the Orientation Programme, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, February 15, 2018.
  91. Library & Information Resources, Services and Products @AMU in 148th the Orientation Programme, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, February 14, 2018.
  92. Plagiarism in the National Workshop on Research Methodology, Dr. BR Ambedkar Hall, AMU, Aligarh, February 6, 2018.
  93. Resources and Products for the Research in the National Workshop on Research Methodology, Dr. BR Ambedkar Hall, AMU, Aligarh, February 6, 2018.
  94. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding: An Opportunity to Libraries for Promotion and Resource Generation in the ROALER 2018: National Conference on Role of Academic Libraries for Excellence in Research, January 19 (Jan. 18-20), 2018, IISER, Bhopal.
  95. Developing Institutional Repository and Role of Creative Commons in the One Weeks National Workshop on Building Digital Libraries using DSpace, RML National Law University & INFLIBNET, Lucknow, December 20 (18-22), 2017.
  96. Developing Institutional Repository and Role of Creative Commons in the iETD 2017: Re-Envisaging iETDs: Roles and Responsibilities, INFLIBNET, Gandhinagar, December 13 (13-15), 2017 (As Keynote in the Inaugural).
  97. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching, Research and Academic Excellence in the Special Winter School, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, December 12, 2017.
  98. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching, Research and Academic Excellence in the Subject Refresher Course in Environmental Studies/Earth Sciences, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, December 5, 2017.
  99. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding: An Opportunity to Libraries for Promotion and Resource Generation in the Changing Scenario (Keynote Address) in the NACLIN 2017-20th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking, November 30 (Nov. 28-30), 2017, DELNET, India International Centre, New Delhi.
  100. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching, Research and Academic Excellence for the Faculty of International Relations, AMU, Aligarh, November 22, 2017.
  101. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching, Research and Academic Excellence for the Faculty of Science, AMU, Aligarh, November 21, 2017.
  102. Inaugural Address as Guest of Honour in the Muslim University Library Science Students Association-MULSA), DLIS, November 18, 2017.
  103. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching, Research and Academic Excellence in 147th Orientation Programme (Theory & Practice-3Hours Session), UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, November 15, 2017.
  104. Library & Information Resources, Services and Products @AMU in 147th Orientation Programme, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, November 6, 2017.
  105. Library & Information Resources, Services and Products @AMU in the Subject Refresher Course in Arabic, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, November 2, 2017.
  106. Library & Information Resources, Services and Products @AMU in the Subject Refresher Course in Oriental Studies, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, October 28, 2017.
  107. Library & Information Resources, Services and Products @AMU in the Subject Refresher Course in Library & Information Science , UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, September 13, 2017.
  108. Detection of Plagiarism in the Subject Refresher Course in Library & Information Science, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, September 8, 2017.
  109. Library & Information Resources, Services and Products @AMU in the Refresher Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, August 21, 2017.
  110. Theme address on E-Resources & E-Access for Study, Teaching & Research on the occasion of Librarians Day & National Seminar on E-Resources & E-Access for Study, Teaching & Research, Maulana Azad Library, DLIS-AMU & IASLIC, AMU Aligarh, August 12, 2017.
  111. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching and Research in the ICSSR Workshop, Centre for Women's Studies, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, August 8, 2017.
  112. Plagiarism in Research in the 146th Orientation Programme, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, June 3, 2017.
  113. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching and Research in the 146th Orientation Programme, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, May 22, 2017.
  114. Library & Information Resources, Services and Products @AMU in the Subject Refresher Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, May 19, 2017.
  115. Plague of Plagiarism in the One Week workshop on Research Methodology, AMU Students Union & Maulana Azad Library, AMU, Aligarh, May 16, 2017.
  116. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching and Research in the One Week workshop on Research Methodology, AMU Students Union & Maulana Azad Library, AMU, Aligarh,May 16, 2017.
  117. Library & Information Resources, Services and Products @AMU in the Subject Refresher Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, May 13, 2017.
  118. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching and Research in the in CALEM Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, April 26, 2017.
  119. Library & Information Resources, Services and Products @AMU in the Subject Refresher Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, April 4, 2017.
  120. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching and Research in the 145th Orientation Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, March 4, 2017.
  121. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System in the 145th Orientation Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, March 3, 2017.
  122. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System in the Subject Refresher Course, "Women's Studies" (Batch-B), UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, February 28, 2017.
  123. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System in the Subject Refresher Course, "Women's Studies" (Batch-A), UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, February 27, 2017.
  124. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching and Research in the National Conference on 'South Asia-Contemporary Issues (NCSACI-2017), Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh, February 25, 2017 (valedictory address).
  125. Resources, Services and Products for Study, Teaching and Research in the Workshop on Research Methodology, Hindustan Sahitya Sanskriti Sangam & CEC, AMU, Aligarh, December 26 (Dev. 21-17), 2016.
  126. Workshop Theme Lecture on Research Methodology (As Guest of Honour) in the Workshop on Research Methodology, Hindustan Sahitya Sanskriti Sangam & CEC, AMU, Aligarh, December 21 (Dev. 21-17), 2016.
  127. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System in the Subject Refresher in Languages, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, December 13, 2016.
  128. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System in the Refresher Course, "Special Winter School", UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, December 8, 2016.
  129. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System for the LIS Students of the CCS Meerut University, AMU, Aligarh, December 3, 2016.
  130. Detection of Plagiarism in the Subject Refresher Course in Library & Information Science, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, November 22, 2016.
  131. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System in the Subject Refresher Course in Library & Information Science, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, November 19, 2016.
  132. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System in the 144th Orientation Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh on November 17, 2016.
  133. Emerging Trends in Library Services in the Subject Refresher Course in Library & Information Science, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, November 9, 2016.
  134. Emerging Trends in Libraries and Librarianship as Guest of Honour/Speaker, in the Inauguration Program of Swadhyay Digital Repository, Teerthankar Mahaveer University, Moradabad, October 19, 2016.
  135. Higher Education and Muslims in India in the Conference on Higher Education, Rabita Committee & JIT, Aligarh, October 16, 2016.
  136. Using the Library for Reference, Research and Innovation in the VII Induction Course for the Newly Appointed Assistant Professors, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, October 10, 2016.
  137. Aligarh Muslim University @ Shodhganga: A case study, in the iETD 2016 National Conference on Evolving ETDs to Knowledge Repositories, INFLIBNET, Ahmedabad, October 5 (Oct. 5-7), 2016.
  138. iETD 2016: Evolving ETDs to Knowledge Repositories as Key Note Speaker, in the Inaugural of iETD 2016 National Conference, INFLIBNET, Ahmedabad, October 5 (Oct. 5-7), 2016.
  139. Using the Library for Reference, Research and Innovation in the Short Term Course on Research Methodology (Faculty of Social Science), UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, October 1, 2016.
  140. How to use Library & E-Resources in the 143rd Orientation Programme, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, September 29, 2016.
  141. Annual Library Day Lecture as Chief Guest/Guest Speaker on Emerging Trends in Libraries and Librarianship, IIM Lucknow, September 23, 2016.
  142. Internet based Resources for Researching in the Short Term Course on How to Write a Research Paper, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, Sept. 21, 2016.
  143. Transforming Users in the Precision Researchers in the Short Term Course on How to Write a Research Paper, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, Sept. 19, 2016.
  144. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System in the Subject Refresher Course - Environmental Studies, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh on Sept. 6, 2016.
  145. Hindu Sacred texts in Persian translation as preserved in AMU, organized by in the Centre for Interfaith Studies, AMU Aligarh, September 6, 2016 (As a Panelist).
  146. Maulana Azad Library Resources, Services and System in the 142nd Orientation Course, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh on Sept. 3, 2016.
  147. Valedictory Address as Chief Guest to the Orientation Programme participants of the UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, June 20, 2016.
  148. Maulana Azad Library System in the 141st Orientation Programme, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, May 28, 2016.
  149. Maulana Azad Library System in the Special Summer School, UGC HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, May 28, 2016.
  150. Felicitation Address in the Felicitation Function of Prof. Shabahat Husain on his becoming President of Indian Library Association, AMU, Aligarh on May 18, 2016.
  151. Predatory Journals: A curse for open access movement in the Ranganathan Research Circle's Seminar on Open Access Journals: Issues & Challenges held at Pragati Auditorium, New Delhi on September 5, 2015, New Delhi.
  152. Emerging trends in Libraries and Librarianship: A case of IIT Delhi in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Libraries and Librarianship, July 25 (July 24-25), 2015, Jawahar Lal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
  153. RFID Implementation in Libraries in the UGC National Conference on Library Automation: Issues and Remedies in present scenario, March 26 (March 26-27), 2015, organized by the UGC & Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh (Haryana)
  154. Next generation retrieval: Semantic web and ontologies in the UGC National Conference on Library Automation: Issues and Remedies in present scenario, March 26 (March 26-27), 2015, organized by the UGC & Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh (Haryana).
  155. Library Automation: Issues and remedies in present scenario in the UGC National Conference on Library Automation: Issues and Remedies in present scenario, March 26 (March 26-27), 2015, organized by the UGC & Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh (Haryana) (As a Panelist).
  156. Maximizing your Research, Publications and Teaching Impact for achieving Excellence in the National Seminar on “Teaching, Learning and Evaluation, March 14 (March 13-14), 2015, organized by the NACC & Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh (Haryana)
  157. Maximizing and Mapping the Research Impact in the 2nd National Workshop on “Citation Analysis, Impact factor, Patent and Copyrights for Maximizing Research Impact, February 27, 2015, organized by the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi.
  158. E-Resource Services in Academic Libraries: A case study of IIT Delhi in the National Seminar on Transforming University Libraries: JNU Leading the way, January 28, 2015, organized by the JNU in collaboration with the EBSCO at JNU, New Delhi.
  159. Roadmap for RFID implementation in Libraries as Ranganathan Research Circle’s 144th Lecture, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, December 20, 2014, New Delhi.
  160. Procurement and Management of eBooks: Standards, issues and solutions in the National Conference on e-Resource Management: Challenges and Issues, organized by the Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, October 19, 2014, Lucknow.
  161. From Print to Electronic: Challenges, Changes, Issues, Scope and Strategies in the National Conference on e-Resource Management: Challenges and Issues, organized by the Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, October 19, 2014, Lucknow (As a Panelist).
  162. Knowledge Organization: Collaboration & coordination among librarians and teachers in the INSET Training Programme of School Librarians, organized by the District Institute of Education and Training (Govt. of Delhi), August 23, (Aug. 19-23) 2014, New Delhi.
  163. Effective Library Management in the INSET Training Programme of School Librarians, organized by the District Institute of Education and Training (Govt. of Delhi), August 23, (Aug. 19-23) 2014, New Delhi.
  164. Role of Asian Library Association in the One Day Seminar on “Changing Role of Librarians in Digital Era”, August 12, 2014, organized by the JNU in collaboration with the AMLA & IASLIC at JNU, New Delhi (As a Panelist).
  165. IPR and Plagiarism Policy@IITs: A case study of IIT Delhi in the National Workshop on Plagiarism: Issues and Challenges, April 23, 2014, Organized by the JNU in collaboration with the INFLIBNET, New Delhi.
  166. RFID implementation in Libraries: Issues, Challenges and Impact in the National Seminar in Library Automation: Issues and remedies in present scenario, March 29 (March 28-29), 2014, organized by the Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh (Haryana).
  167. Crowdsourcing and its application in library and information centres in the National Seminar on Library Automation: Issues and remedies in present scenario, March 28 (March 28-29), 2014
  168. ETDs and IRs under ICAR: A case study of KrishiPrabha and eGRANTH Consortium Projects: Post conference presentation. IIT Delhi, July 10, 2013.
  169. Internet based eResources, Services and Products in English language and literature in the National Conference on “English Language and Information Communication Technology: Possibilities and Challenges, March 16, 2013, organized by the Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh (Haryana).
  170. Library Services and Resource sharing: An experience with IIT Delhi and INDEST-AICTE Consortium in the “One Day Meet of Library Professionals of NCR Institutions for Effective Resource Sharing”, March 11, 2013, organized by the Shiv Nader University (SNU), Greater Noida (Also served as Guest of Honour).
  171. Traditional vs. Digital Libraries: A paradigm shift in resources, services and products in the UGC National Workshop on Development of Digital Libraries using DSpace, January 7 (Jan.7-9), 2013, organized by the Govt. M.L.B. P.G. College, Bhopal.
  172. RFID implementation in Libraries: Issues and Challenges in the UGC Refresher Course on “Modern Library and Open Access”, September 19 (Sept. 3-23), 2012, UGC Academic Staff College, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
  173. eBooks and eReading: An overview in the UGC Refresher Course on “Modern Library and Open Access”, September 19, (Sept. 3-23) 2012, UGC Academic Staff College, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
  174. Web based eResources in Social Science and Humanities in the UGC Refresher Course on “Modern Library and Open Access”, September 19, (Sept. 3-23) 2012, UGC Academic Staff College, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
  175. Open Source Softwares and Libraries: An Indian LIS perspective in the UGC Refresher Course on “Modern Library and Open Access”, September 19, (Sept. 3-23) 2012, UGC Academic Staff College, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
  176. Traditional vs. Digital Libraries: A paradigm shift in resources, services and products in the UGC Refresher Course on “Modern Library and Open Access”, September 18, (Sept. 3-23) 2012, UGC Academic Staff College, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
  177. Cloud computing and its application in Libraries in the UGC Refresher Course on “Modern Library and Open Access”, September 18, (Sept. 3-23) 2012, UGC Academic Staff College, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
  178. Reading habits among students in the SCERT Five days INSET Training Programme for Librarians, organized by the District Institute of Education and Training, September 13 (Sept. 10-14), 2012, New Delhi.
  179. Role and Status of Librarian: Issues and Challenges in the SCERT Five days INSET Training Programme for Librarians, organized by the District Institute of Education and Training, September 13, (Sept. 10-14) 2012, New Delhi.
  180. Knowledge Organization in the SCERT Five days INSET Training Programme for Librarians, organized by the District Institute of Education and Training, September 13 (Sept. 10-14), 2012, New Delhi.
  181. Relevance of five laws of Ranganathan in today’s context in the SCERT Five days INSET Training Programme for Librarians, organized by the District Institute of Education and Training, September 13 (Sept. 10-14), 2012, New Delhi.
  182. ICKMARS-2012, Feb. 27-28, 2012, Muscat, Oman: Post conference presentation on Roadmap for RFID implementation in Libraries: Issues and Challenges, May 2, 2012, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.
  183. ETD and Institutional Repositories under NARS: A case study of KrishiPrabha and eGRANTH in the National Seminar on Managing Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), March 23 (Mar. 22-23), 2012, JNU & INFLIBNET, New Delhi.
  184. Internet based Resources for Social Science Research (Two sessions/Lectures) in the Training Course on E-Resources for faculty members, December 21 (Dec. 16-21), 2011, Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh.
  185. Traditional Vs Digital Libraries: An impact on resources, services and Librarians in the National Conference on Digital Library Management and Challenges (NCDLM-2011), November 19, 2011, ACCAMN Institute of Management, Greater NOIDA.
  186. Traditional Vs Automated Libraries: An impact on resources, services and Librarians in the National Research Seminar in Library and Information Science, June 26 (Jun. 26-27), 2011, MJS Government PG College & UGC, Bhind (MP).
  187. Turning the pages: Issues, Challenges and Future of eBooks in the National Conference on Information Literary Skills for Librarians in Digital Environment (NCILSCLDE-2011), February 27 (Feb. 26-27), 2011, Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh.
  188. ICoLIS 2010: Towards greater information accessibility: Post conference presentation, December 3, 2010, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.
  189. eGRANTH: An innovative project to digitize NARS institutional resources in the National Seminar on Knowledge Conservation and Preservation (NASKCON 2010), March 14 (Mar. 13-14), 2010, AMU, Aligarh (UP).
  190. Digital Libraries: A practical approach in Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Libraries, September 19 (Sep. 18-19), 2009, Central State Library, Solan.
  191. Current Scenario and Future Trends in Digital Libraries: A practical approach in Workshop on Planning and Management of Digital Libraries, April 25, 2009, NIT, Hamirpur.
  192. Open Source Softwares: An Indian LIS perspective in Workshop on Planning and Management of Digital Libraries, April 25, 2009, NIT, Hamirpur.
  193. WinSPIRS, WebOPAC, Other Digital Library Resources of CSKHPKV Library like Digital Books & KrishiPrabha in Workshop on Access to Online and Digital Library Resources and Services to the CSKHPKV Users, University Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur, April 17, 2009, Palampur.
  194. Library and Information Resources and Services at CSKHPKV, Palampur for students and faculty of the Classical Education Institute, Sundernagar, June 23, 2007, Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  195. Library and Information Resources and Services at CSKHPKV, Palampur for students and faculty of the Luxmi Narayan Vocational Training Centre, Kullu, May 9, 2007, Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  196. Steps in Library Automation in short term course for Assistant Librarians/Librarians/Lecturer I/c – of libraries of Colleges/Schools/SCVT Institutes of Himachal Pradesh, December 21 (Dec.18-22), 2006, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (HP).
  197. E-Journals and E-Books: An overview in short term course for Assistant Librarians/Librarians/ Lecturer I/c – of libraries of Colleges/Schools/SCVT Institutes of Himachal Pradesh, December 21 (Dec.18-22), 2006, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (HP).
  198. Post-USA Visit Presentation to faculty and staff of the CSKHPKV, Palampur, November 15, 2006, Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  199. Online resources and services of the CSKHPKV Library for the students and faculty of Certificate Course in Library Science from Luxmi Narayan Vocational Education Centre, Kullu, March 30, 2006, Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  200. Online resources and services of the CSKHPKV Library for the students and faculty of Certificate Course in Library Science from SCVT Institute, Sundernagar on March 7, 2006, Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  201. Electronic Information Resources and Services in Winter School on Recent trends in utilization of plant biodiversity in the animal health care with special reference to pharmacothrapeutics, pharmacodynamics and safety assessment, March 3, 2006, Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  202. Access of online Library Resources & Services for the University Scientists and Post Graduate Students, June 21, 2005, Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  203. Online Regional Library and Access of online Library Services in Training/Orientation Programmes (10 Nos.) for Post Graduate students and the Faculty of the university in collaboration with Informatics (India) Ltd. and the Incharge, UNS, CSKHPKV, August 19-20, September 17-18, October 25-26, November 18-19 and December 17-18, 2004, Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  204. Use of WinSPIRS to search Reference CDs through CD-NET Server and Use of LIBSYS (Library Information Server) in Orientation Workshop on the use of University Network Services for Statutory Officers/UNS Users/HODs, June 2, 2003, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  205. Status of school libraries in India: A bibliometric study, in Workshop of Librarians and Work Experience Teachers, June 28 (Jun. 27-28), 1998, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Jammu Region, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Yol Cantt, Dharamshala (HP).
  206. A study into school libraries and reading habits of school students, in Workshop of Librarians and Work Experience Teachers, June 27(Jun. 27-28), 1998, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Jammu Region, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Yol Cantt, Dharamshala (HP).
  207. Presentations at NATIONAL PLATFORMS as Participant

  208. Presence of Indian Open Access Repositories in OpenDoar: A status report in the 3rd International Conference of Asian Libraries on Building Smart Libraries: Changes, Challenges, Issues, & Strategies, December 7(6-8), 2018, Srinagar, Asian Library Association & Central University of Kashmir.
  209. New generation eReading products and services: Current scenario and future Trends in the National Conference of Agricultural Libraries and User Community: Agricultural Libraries in the Knowledge Web (NCALUC-2011), February 24 (Feb. 24-25), 2011, eGRANTH, AALDI & CeRA - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
  210. Looking beyond the eBooks: Challenges and Opportunities in the National Conference on ICT Impact on Knowledge and Information Management (NCICTIKIM-2010), September 14, 2010, ACCMAN Institute of Management, Greater NOIDA.
  211. Strengthening of NARS Libraries under e-GRANTH: A NAIP Consortium in the National Conference on Knowledge Management in the Globalized Era, April 22 (Apr. 21-23), 2010, AALDI, ICAR & IASRI, New Delhi.
  212. Future of eBooks in India in the National Seminar on Knowledge Conservation and Preservation (NASKCON 2010), March 13 (Mar. 13-14), 2010, AMU, Aligarh (UP).