Project Development till Major Test

The focus of this course was on prototyping so we would evaluate you on how well you have been able to integrate the different prototyping skills learnt in the course into a project. You are not going to be penalized on how well you have been able to apply the framework of design. Please give a demo of the working of the final project. Your project should use both your CAD + additive/subtractive fabrication, electronics + uC + embedded programming skills. Individual projects vs groups of two projects (individual mastery of skills and independently operable). The completed project should do something, Rigor is important.

Please update your slide and video of up to 1 minute on your website's final project page. You will be given 3 minutes to present (if project group of two) and 2 minutes to present (if project group of one). If working in groups of two, please let us know the individual contributions in the project.

Slide examples

Video examples

Project presentation date is 23rd November from 3:30-6:30 pm. A slide (in the form of jpg image) and a video should be uploaded on your final project webpage on the top with the heading of Final Project Development by 22nd November. Having said that, you can still keep working on the slide and video until the presentation date. Good luck!

Major Test would be from 3:30 pm-5:30 pm on 22nd November.

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