Assignment 3

Arduino Programming


In groups of two, write your first name by switching 9 LEDs on/off and push buttons such that: With press of one push button, the letters of the name blink every 1000 ms 2) With press of another push button, all LEDs blink ON and then OFF with a delay of 1000 ms five times. 3) Extra credit: Also, print the letter typed on the Serial Monitor using the 9 LEDs

This entire process has to be documented and a video has to be uploaded on your assignment webpage which shows the assignment deliverables. Please provide a link to the arduino code used.

Components Required

Components Description Number
LEDs Output Display 9
Arduino Uno For Microcontroller Programming 1
Jumper Wires For making connections 20
Breadboard Base for connections 2
Push Buttons For code activation 2
Resistors For current limiting 9
Laptop Code Compilation and transfer 1

Basic Circuit Connections

Initially we tried to test the basic circuit using one LED and push button so that we will get a clear idea how to proceed.

Connections were made according to the Diagrams shown below

Credits: Edited the images from 'Elegoo Starter Kit for Uno'

This experiment was done successfully and we got the desired result. Output Video :

Arduino Code for the basic LED Blinking programming is here:

Performing the task

Initially arduino code was compiled and found to be error free.

Connections were made according to the below picture and tested it by uploading the code from arduino IDE

Problems Faced

Initially for the Serial input program, we used IF-ELSE statement and it didn't work as expected. So on further exploration we came to know about the 'Switch-case' statement and used it for this program. It worked and also helped us in making the code very short and precise.

Switch statement is case sensitive and as of now we have only used Capital letters to reduce the code content. Cases for small letters can also be included to overcome the problem of case sensitivity.

Final Output

Output video for the assignment is recorded and edited using Kdenlive Video Editor (More details regarding the software is explained in Assignment 1) and uploaded in my Youtube Channel Amalkrishna P S

Video for first part of the assignment, ie 1) Name display with 9 LEDs using push buttons and 2) LED Blinking for 5 times is here:

Letter display with LEDs on Serial Input is uploaded here :

Here is the arduino code used for the program: