Assignment 3

Glowing letters of name using LED, Ardiuno and Codes.


We are doing this assignment in group of 2. I am working with Sidharth in this assignment.First we planned how we gonna apporch for this assignment. Our first part of plan was to draw Circuit Diagram which is shown in below images.

Just for our Understanding.

This is how we gonna create our circuit.

Component Used

List of basic components used while doing this assignment.

  1. Beardboard (1)
  2. Jumper wires
  3. Resistors(9)
  4. LEDs(9)
  5. Ardiuno(1)
  6. Switches(2)

Circuit preparation

From above circuit diagram and below shown image it is quit obvious how to prepare circuit.

Programming Codes

I will try to explain my programing in Steps.

Step 1:On first stage of code writing we first assign each LEDs their name according to pin they pluged in.Below image shows how we assigned no or named to each LEDs.

Step 2:In this step we have decided which of our devices will act as Input and Output device.

For Exmaple:My all LEDs will work as Output device and Switches will work as output device as shown in image below.

Step 3: In this step we define funtion which we goona use later in logic.How to define function shown in below image. Here we are defining funtion for all letters we gonna use.

NOTE: LOW- means LED will not glow, HIGH - means LED will glow.

Step 4: After defining funtion we start programing for main logics. We have to code for, when we press switch "A" our names letters will glow. The way I understood the main logic is shown in below image.

Step 5: After our name letters will glow than by pressing Switch "B" all 9 LEDs should blink 5 times with delay of 1 sec.Logic to do this is given below

Codes Execution

To execute codes we need to press upload button and after pressing that button their should not be any error as shown in image below

Please check below video to watch our working model.

Displaying Letters typed in serial monitor using 9 LEDs

The arduino sketch file can be found HERE

Please check below video to watch example.


While doing this assignment I have learned how we can use ARDIUNO for different purposes just by manipulating some codes.And also I have documented this assignment in such way that it can help beginner to learn and capture things much easily.

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