Assignment 4

Part A.

What are the different sensors in your phone and what do they do? Conduct an experiment to measure and analyse data for a sensor in a log and report your findings.

List of Different sensors in my phone (Redmi Pro Note7) and their working.

1) Ambient Light Sensor-It is a photodetector that is utilized to detect the measure of encompassing light present, and fittingly diminish the gadget's screen to coordinate it.

2) Accelerometer Sensor-Accelerometers in cell phones are utilized to recognize the direction of the telephone. ... Practically speaking, that implies that an accelerometer will gauge the directional development of a gadget yet won't most likely settle its sidelong direction or tilt during that development precisely except if a gyro is there to fill in that information.

3)Magnetometer Sensor-The advanced compass that is generally founded on a sensor called the magnetometer and furnishes cell phones with a basic direction in connection to the Earth's attractive field. Therefore, your telephone consistently realizes what direction is North so it would auto be able to pivot your computerized maps relying upon your physical direction.

4) Proximity Sensor-The nearness sensor recognizes when a client is holding the telephone close to their face during a cancel and turns the showcase to forestall keypad presses and battery utilization from the presentation. The nearness/light sensor is situated to one side of the earpiece


Results-Changing the orientation and movement in the phone can be seen in replicated manner in below video. Rotation indicated by gyroscope reading, fast movement is indicated by accelerometer.Like wise other sensors can be seen changing their value according to change in environmental parameters.

Watch below video.

Part B.

Measure Somthing: Add a sensor to micro controller board and read it. Document the process. Find the application in real world around you and report your finding.


Circuit Diagram

Component Used

List of basic components used .

  1. Beardboard (1)
  2. Jumper wires
  3. Ultrasonic sensor (1)
  4. Ardiuno(1)
  5. Switch(1)

Actual Circuit

Programming Codes

Codes Execution

Check reading in serial monitor.

Watch below video.


1) Numerous application in IOT like light, AC,etc.

2) We can use this sensor in Cars.

Part C.

Add an output device to a Microcontroller board and program it to do something.


Circuit Diagram

Component Used

List of basic components used .

  1. Beardboard (1)
  2. Jumper wires
  3. LCD (1)
  4. Ardiuno(1)
  5. Switch(1)

Actual Circuit

This is how our prepared circuit looks like.

Programming Codes

Codes Execution

Watch below video.

Part D.

Combine input and output device together.


Circuit Diagram

Component Used

List of basic components used .

  1. Beardboard (1)
  2. Jumper wires
  3. LCD (1)
  4. Ultrasonic Sensor (1)
  5. Ardiuno(1)
  6. Switch(1)

Actual Circuit

Programming Codes

Codes Execution

Watch below video.

-------------------------------------End of Assignment---------------------------------------