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Creating Website
Uploading on Server
Final Website

Assignment 1


Our 1st Assignment for "Advance Material Prototyping And Die Design" is to create the website for Assignment and Project submissions, Other Purpose behind this was to Learn and understand basics of coding. I will be explaining the whole procedure for the creating website and the resources I used in the process. I will also document the process of uploading website on server.


Here is the list of the resources that I used during the process of creating website


  • Sublime Text: It is a free-Code editor, that supports many programming language, markup language, functions.
  • WinSCP(Windows Secure Copy): It is a free and open-source software, It mainly transfers between local and remote computer.
  • MAMP: It is a free and open source software, to run dynamic websites on computers.
  • Imagemagick: It is a free and open source software suite for editing rastor and vector image.
  • Kdenlive: It is a free and open source video editing software.
  • It is a website where you can learn html, css also practice.
  • Websites

  • HTML
  • CSS

  • Creating Website

    I downloaded the template from online website x, and I edited it as per my requirement. I used website for learning.

    Upload on server

    We have to upload the website on the IITD internal server. People who are using IITD wifi only those people have access to the files.

           Port No.:22
           File Protocol: SFTP

    Follow steps given below:

    1. Creating account in WinSCP

      Create Private_html folder and add your websit in that folder, we have only private access on IITD server, it doesn't provide Public access.

    2. Create private_html folder in the server

    3. Transfer website folder from local host to IITD server

    4. Use below link to visit the page:

    Final Website

    Final Output of the website