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Assignment 12


Safety tips

Tips Detail
Proper ventilation Make sure there is fresh air entering a room when working with resin. Open a window or use a fan if necessary.
Wear disposable gloves I prefer nitrile gloves since they are less likely to react with the resin. If you have super sensitive skin, you might consider coating your hands with a barrier cream first.
Wear protective clothing Resin can soak through clothing and irritate your skin. Resin drips will also not come out of clothing.
Designate items as resin only Silicone baking molds can make great resin molds too, but once used for resin, they should not be used for food again. The same goes for mixing containers and utensils.
Wear a respirator Some resins, including polyester and polyurethane, can be very dangerous. Wear a NIOSH approved respirator for fumes and make sure it fits properly.
Wear safety goggles If a resin requires respirator use, you need to wear safety glasses as well. You should also wear these if you are sanding the resin or using power tools.
Clean up spills immediately While it’s inconvenient to stop in the middle of a project to clean up a resin spill, it’s better than getting some on yourself later or having an unknowing person get it on him or herself.
When sanding resin, wear a particle mask or respirator For light sanding, a particle mask is probably sufficient, but if you’re using a belt sander, grinder or buffing wheel, a respirator may be more appropriate since the resin will be more aerosolized.
Exercise care with solvents If cleaning up a resin spill on the skin, don’t use a ketone or chlorinated based product. This will only put the resin deeper into your skin. Use only soap and water.


Product Picture Detail
weighing machine To weigh different material in miligram.
Resin A solid or liquid synthetic organic polymer used as the basis of plastics, adhesives, varnishes, or other products.
Hardner A hardener is used simply to increase the resilience of the mixture once it sets. In other mixtures a hardener is used as a curing component.
Jute Jute is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fiber that can be spun into coarse, strong threads. It is produced primarily from plants in the genus Corchorus, which was once classified with the family Tiliaceae, and more recently with Malvaceae.
News paper As a material to used in layer


Composites are basically a combination of more than 2 components, combined with natural or artificial material.

Composites are more stronger than individual parts.

Composites are made to have strength, durability - for which material such as resin is used which helps in combining the materials.


Step 1: Take 3 jute piece and 4 newspaper of same size, make clear that outer part of it will not be useful

Step 2: Take 2 board, apply plastic sheet on it without crease- as it will stick to the composites at the end.

Step 3: Mix epoxy resin and hardener in ratio of 2:1

Step 4: Mix the mixture well so that it is in proper consistency

Step 5: Place paper on plastic covered board

Step 6:Apply mixture on it. add another layer of jute and apply mixtuer. repeat the process again

Step 7: Place it between heavy wooden boards

Step 8: Place some heavy weight on it. keep it like as it is for 24 hour to dry.

Step 9: Cut and use it as mouse pad or writing pad.


Things to take care of:

Wear handgloves while applying resin-hardener.

While measuring the chemical take care of the proportions.

Clear the place after use

Dont keep extra material in bowl it will harden better use it somewhere.