Assignment 3

Microcontroller Programming:

The motive of this assignment was to learn the basics of microcontroller programming. For this assignment we used Arduino as our computing device.
The main task was to:
In groups of two, write your first name by switching 9 LEDs on/off and push buttons such that:

Components Required:

Component NOs Use
Breadboard 1 Base for connections
Jumper wires ~10 for Connecting Components
Light Emitting Diodes 9 for Displaying alphabets
Resistors 9 Control current flow
Push button 2 controlling inputs
Arduino kit 1 Micro Controller

Since I knew C programming, it helped me in learning the basic coding required for this assignment. I learned the basics of arduino during the lectures which helped in completing this assignment.

Assembling the Components:

Performing the assignment:

After the testing and debugging the task was completed. The video below shows the led matrix displaying the name "RAHUL" and then blinking 5 time.

