Project Proposal


So, our project idea arises from the need of simplistic methods to create, modify, mix music for the developers of tune or just to have fun with music, even if one does not know how to actual instruments. We are making a transparent platform which can recognise different colours and play music accordingly. The position of the block on the platform will decide the pitch and tempo of the music. We can even play different music audios at the same time, based on the recognition of different colours. our project design is inspired by the "Rubberbeats", Department of Computer and Information Science
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Basically, we are performing changes in the audio clip based on the movement of an object facilitated by hand.
We can various altercation of the same idea, which we are going to work upon. during project development.
It can have varied u


So, our project idea arises from the need of simplistic methods to create, modify, mix music for the developers of tune or just to have fun with music, even if one does not know how to actual instruments. We are making a transparent platform which can recognise different colours and play music accordingly. The position of the block on the platform will decide the pitch and tempo of the music. We can even play different music audios at the same time, based on the recognition of different colors. our project design is inspired by the "Rubberbeats", Department of Computer and Information Science
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Basically, we are performing changes in the audio clip based on the movement of an object facilitated by hand. We will be making some altered version of the existing project

We can various altercation of the same idea, which we are going to work upon. during project development.
It can have varied uses :
a)In the music industry, and,
b)also common people usually having a hobby of playing with music beats can have a great time using it.
c)For specially-abled students who face a hard time learning conventional instruments, are more comfortable with patterns, colors and music can use this device to learn and create new music. The recognition abilities of these students can be enhanced through its use.

Sketch of the (tentative) final model



Tentative timeline of the project development



CAD modelling of the prototype, fabrication using 3D printing & wooden parts, interactive changes using a microcontroller, color recognition.

Components required for the project
Microcontroller, sensors, wooden planks, rubber blocks, electric motor, will go on as the project develops.

Suspected challenges

We would be facing many challenges as we go on, starting with the design of the color recognition platform, the material to use, with embedded programming of the interactive portion. Further challenges would arise in the further stages of the project development, to identify methods for interactive changes using the coordinates of the blocks, then identifying ways to improve upon the existing idea and design, so as to enlarge its user domain etc. 

Special aspects
1. Versatile - has multiple uses for different users by changing few parameters
2. Enhancement of 3 out of 5 senses
a) Visual - by use of colors
b) Hearing - by the use of audio/sound
c) Touch - by the use of hand movements
Combined cumulatively, creates interactive & interesting experiences in the music industry, and also common people usually having a hobby of playing with music beats can have a great time using it.