Assignment 11

CNC Machining(Big)


CNC machining is a manufacturing process in which pre-programmed computer software dictates the movement of factory tools and machinery. The process can be used to control a range of complex machinery, from grinders and lathes to mills and routers. With CNC machining, three-dimensional cutting tasks can be accomplished in a single set of prompts.

IN this assignment we learnt how to use the big CNC machine to perform milling operation.

The Process

Step 1 : Make the model in Aspire or import a 2D drawing in to the software

Step 2 : Make adjustments to the properties like where to cut, depth, number of cycles,how it will cut.

Step 3 : export the file and transfer it to a usb drive

Step 4 : insert the usb to the controller in the CNC machine and give the reqd. commands.

Step 5 : We connect the vacumm cleaner and turn it on.

Step 6 : We press go to start the process.
