Assignment 2


Project Title

Smart Chair

Project Idea Sketch

What it will do and who will use it

It is a smart chair, which will cultivate good and correct sitting posture habits and promote better health in people who spend constant long hours sitting on chairs. Also the chair will transform into a recliner thus helping the user to rest comfortably when needed.



People in offices tend to spend most of their time sitting on their chair and working on the computer and as a result tend to have a bad sitting posture. Thus affecting their health in the long run and develop various health disorders . Also sitting on a chair constantly for a long time is bad for the human health. So keeping these things in mind, we will device a chair that will help the user to change their habits and inculcate good sitting posture by constantly warning them about their posture. Also the chair will transform into a recliner when needed thus helping the user to rest comfortably when needed.

At first we will conduct a design study as to how people tend to sit on their chairs and for how long and also the problems they face in the long run. We also will do a study on various sitting postures, how they affect the human health and also how the correct sitting posture should be. Based on all our findings we will move to the concept generation phase and make several concept sketches. Then choosing one suitable concept we will move to the prototyping phase where we will use Arduino programming including I/O devices such as motors, ultrasound sensors, IR sensors, etc. Also we will use various CAD tools for prototyping and fabrication of the various components and parts of the chair.

Challenges Forseen

To establish the correlation between and proper functioning between all the electronic and mechanical parts of the chair.

To see the proper working of all the sensors.

Components Required

  1. Arduino
  2. Sensors(Ultrasound/Infrared)
  3. Led
  4. Stepper motors
  5. Servo motors
  6. Wood
  7. Linear Guide

Skills Used

  1. CAD Knowledge
  2. Manufacturing Knowledge
  3. Coding Knowledge
  4. Basic Mechanical Engineering
  5. Basic Ergonomics


  1. 1st Week : Survey and study
  2. 2nd Week : Identify Problems
  3. 3rd Week : Define Problem Statement
  4. 4th Week : Generate Concepts
  5. 5th Week : Finalize concept and 3D CAD modellings
  6. 6th week : Start Prototyping Phase
  7. 7th week : Assemble Product
  8. 8th week : Test Product Prototype
  9. 9th week : Modify Prototype as/if required
  10. 10th week : Finalize Prototype

Special Aspects

  1. Promotes better health
  2. Multipurpose
  3. Aesthetic