Assignment 9

3D Scanning
3D scanning is the process of analyzing a real-world object or environment to collect data on its shape and possibly its appearance (e.g. colour). The collected 
data can then be used to construct digital 3D models.


The first 3D scane was made usig SENSE. For the second scan I took photographs from my phone and used Zephyr to create to analize the images and generate the model.


For the first scan the model I picked was a cylindrical bottle, as the surface went beyond the base points definition and the bottom surface was repetative,
the model didn't generate based on the actual shape.
The second subject I picked was a matte surface headphone. The base points were defined by the edges of MDF board. 
During the first trial of scanning a mask, the model did not come as expected as photographs were taken from a higher angle. To fix this, I took the photographs 
closer to the object at a lower angle. In the first round of model generation the final output had many parts missing. Based on this output, the final shot was more
detailed. In another round for input I used a video to maintain continuity of abject scan.

Subject to be scanned

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