Project Proposal

Minor Project Proposal is supposed to be defined as per the project guidelines that would demonstrate and integrate the range of units covered and used. I have kept in mind all the instructions delivered to me regarding the Project Proposal alongwith its conceptualization, construction, and operation.

Motivation: 3-Axis:3-DoF Self Stabilizing Platform

When flying a drone, it's quite essential to maintain the camera stable and avoid any movement due to external elements or when flying it aggressively. However, a drone can also record videos and take pictures while on the ground. This means that to make super steady shots, you need to have a stabilzing platform on-the-go with the drone. However, as per the current technological advances, available options are too heavy and have impacts on the flight time. Thus, we came to a plan to design and create a self-stabilizing platform for the cameras on the drones.

1. Project Idea: Description & Sketch(es)

The Self Stabilizing Platform is supposed to work on the principles of Gyroscope with the three axis set and should be able to accommodate an entity depending upon the torque of the motor such that the position of the entity shouldn't be affected by the motion of the outer frame, thus making it vibration free.

The centre ring should be vertically fixed with a pivoted support that would allow rotation of the entity in all the 3 axes. The three-axis self-stabilizing platform would thus allow any applicable entity mounted on the top of it to remain independent of the rotation of its supporting platform. The platform would thus dictate the movement of the entity, not the one carrying it and hence it could also act as a vibrational isolator.

2. Project Idea: Applications

The Self Stabilizing Platform can find its applications in several sectors of the industrial market like it can be used widely in testing setups of different sensor calibration. Some of the applications will include:
1. It would allow Image Stabilization for the cameras mounted on the drones, especially surveillance drones.
2. It would be used for precise angular positioning of Optics and Lasers.
3. It would be used for camera stabilization in Film and Video to give the camera operator the independence of handheld shooting without camera vibration or shake.
4. It would allow an Inertial Navigation System (stable table) to remain fixed in inertial space, compensating for changes in the ship's yaw, pitch, and roll.

3. Project Idea: Approaches

I would follow Agile Design and Development Strategy for the conception, construction, and operation of the Self Stabilizing Platform. I would then work modularly and iteratively for all the three phases of its development.
The Project Idea Approach would comprise of two instructional steps that are:
1. Mechanical Conception & Construction – This will include the designing of the body accommodating all the circuitry, motors, and more etc. without compromising functionality of the stabilizer.
2. Electrical & Software Operation - This will include the physical circuits and the software code to simulate gyroscope and accelerometer as and whereever required.

4. Project Idea: Components

The Components that will be required for the design and development of the Self Stabilizing Platform include:
1. MPU6050 IMU (Accelerometer and Gyroscope Integrated)
2. MG996R Servos (Servo Motors)
3. Buck Converter and PLA Filament
4. Arduino UNO R3 Board
5. Breadboard, and Jump Wires

5. Project Idea: Skills

The Skills that will be required for the design and development of the Self Stabilizing Platform include:
1. 2D/3D CAD Modelling and Design
2. 3D Printing and Laser Cutting
3. Electronics Design and Production
4. Embedded Micro-Controller Interfacing
5. Software Programming (Low Level Language - C)

6. Project Idea: Challenges Forseen

I haven't worked on Electronic Design and Physical Circuitry at an intermediate level but only as a beginner before and also have a very little idea about Mechanical Design and CAD Modelling. Hence, this would be a challenge personally. Altogether, understanding and implementation of the libraries for the sensors like Gyroscope and Accelerometer used will be a confirmed challenge. And the calibration of motors in the complete product will also create issues in real time application that would need to be looked upon.

7. Project Idea: Gantt TimeLine

The proposed timeline I am defining, considering the project requirements and the time constraints, is shown below.