Assignment 2


This assignment will help us in Basic thorough understanding of controlling LEDs through Arduino. And also How Switch can be used to deal with various operation?

Generally we are performing two task through this assignment that are as follows:

1. Will glow 9 led in the alphabetic order of my name.(here sachin)

2. Will use 2 buttons

  • One for making the all 9 led lights to blink 5 times with delay period of 1 second.
  • One for blinking the light as per alphabetic order of our name.

  • Helping Hands

    I have taken help of AYUSH to code my sketch and he made me to understand

  • How to use various loops methods in coding.
  • How to define function and call it.
  • Helped me in understanding the structure of the program.
  • Components Required

    Following are the components required for making our task possible.

    S.No    Components     Function
    1. Arduino UNO R3 controller  Will control the components as per our code.
    2. Jumper Wire  These wires will help in connecting the components 
    3. Breadboard  This Board will help us in testing the circuit connected through various Jumper wire
    4. LEDs Diodes to emit lights
    5. Button Will act as a switch 
    6. Resistance  Will prevent LEDs from burning out.
    7. USB cable  Will act as Power Source and Data Transfer unit for arduino

     NOTE: I have not used resistance in  my circuit since the supply of current is very low.


    Circuit Diagram


    Through above Circuit Diagram I have tried to show the connections without any involvement of button.

    In above with the help of Serial Monitor you can type Name and execute your LED light blinking.


    Here we are using Two button and performing the task defined above in Introduction

    Code Link

    Click here to see the code

    My background is Mechanical Engineering. It's very difficult to code my assignment work. But i have thoroughly studied the code and manipulated as per my need.

    I have not coded all the part of assignment. I have Coded the Task2 related to button usage.



