Assignment 1

Website Development

This assignment will help us to create our website using basic Template and edit it as per your requirement.In due course it will help us showcase our assignment and project.


We need to download following softwares for our website development:-

1. Sublime Text Editor

A text editor is needed for editing the files and . It makes code colourful and gives you references side by side.
Click here To Download Sublime text Editor

2. WinScp

WinScp helps to upload html document from local to the web server. Click here To Download WinScp

3. Kdenlive

Download Kdenlive video editor
Important for project presentations.Click here To Download

4. Download Imagemagick

You can download the Imagemagick Software by Clicking here

This software will help you in compressing Images and Videos.

You can use both Command Prompt or User Interface Medium to perform your task.

To Learn basic HTML Coding

  • We use w3school website to learn basic HTML commands.You can visit the site for further references.
  • Also one can generate html by using Word Html from simple text.
  • You can also view source code of any webpages by pressing F12.
  • Downloading and Editing the template

    We can download the template from two sources

  • Click Here to open freecsstemplates.
  • Click Here to get template as given by Jay Sir
  • Edit the template using Sublime Text Editor as per your Requirement.

    Compressing Image and Videos

    You can use two ways to compress Images and Videos

  • Command prompt
  • User Interface
  • NOTE: You can use any other software of your choice to perform above task.
    You can Click here to watch Batch Resize image process.

    There are many ways by which you can resize the images that are as follows:

  • By using Photoshop
  • By using Whatsapp(size must not be larger than 64 mb)
  • By using Paint
  • By using online compressor tools
  • For Compressing Videos you can also following softwares

  • By using Whatsapp(size must not be larger than 64 mb)
  • Handbrake Software
  • From Clicking Here you can download the software

    Upload To Server

    Open Winscp and must follow following steps:

  • Enter Host Name
  • Enter User Name
  • Enter Password
  • After that following SCREEN will appear

    Create a Directory by name



    Type web address path in following format

    to access your webpage


    If you don't know how to code in HTML.Make use of Word HTML