Assignment 1

Website Design


The first task of the course required us to design a website where we would update all the project details and assignments done in the course. Below you will find details of how I went about the above mentioned task.

Softwares Used

WinSCP- To update code onto the domain created
Notepad- To edit the html code
Photoshop- To compress images

Template Source

The template provided by Vibhuti Sagar was used to design the website.

Steps Followed

1. Installing WinSCP and logging onto it using the credentials provided. Hostname:, username and password same as the iitd mail id and password.
2. The template provided by Vibhuti Sagar was edited to change logo, pictures and about me section. The required replacement images were saved in the correct folder(images folder) in the template. Assignment headings were also entered. Sub headings were also edited and extra added using the existing code as a reference. Where needed the code was googled.
3. I did not remove the instructions within the code so that I can use them as a reference for if I forget how to do it later.
4. The updated template was copied into the WinSCP program folder on the PC. This was then copied onto the private_html folder.
5. The website was viewed at

Useful Websites To get html codes for things you want to add to the website. To convert word content to html code.