Assignment 7

Apps and Sensors

App using phone sensors

A fortune cookie app was made. The app uses the accelerometer in the phone to activate. Every time the phone is shaked the app displays a fortune message at random. The UI of the app is shown below.


The code/ blocks used to run the app are shown in the image below.


Below is a video of the app in action.

Mobile app with Input Output devices

User Interface- A user interface was made related to my design project of enabling the teacher to choose the chapter of questions that the students play with in the game. This is done by connecting to the mobile to the bluetooth module on the central hub. It started with building an app on MIT app inventor. Below is the UI of the app and the code used to make it work with the bluetooth module.

logo logo

Input and Output Device-The bluetooth module recieves the signal from the mobile depending on the chapter selected and the corresponding LED lights up as well as displaying the Chapter number and name on an LCD screen on the central hub giving the teacher feedback of the chapter selected. The code used for this set up is given below.


Below is the video of the central Hub in action.