Programming using Phython and C

Given below are few programs practiced in both Python and C language understanding the basic functioning of the language. and what is learnt about the different elements and aspects of programming in these languages.

Python Language

Program to take two integers "a" and "b" as inputs from the user and print their sum.

Input the values to be adde
- Defining the 1st value as an "int" integer type "a"
Display to ask for value


Program to take an integer "n" as input and print if it is "odd" or "even".

Input a value to be check
n = as an integer (int) to be added in the code
Checking the value for even and odd using if and else command
if = enales


Write a program to take an integer "n" as input from the user and print its factorial


C Language

Program to take two integers "a" and "b" as inputs from the user and print their sum.

Input the values to be adde
- Defining the 1st value as an "int" integer type "a"
Display to ask for value


Program to take an integer "n" as input and print if it is "odd" or "even".

Input a value to be check
n = as an integer (int) to be added in the code
Checking the value for even and odd using if and else command
if = enales


Write a program to take an integer "n" as input from the user and print its factorial
