Project Development till Major Test

The focus of this course was on data driven design so we would evaluate you on the project on how well you have been able to integrate the skills learnt in the class (in a synergistic manner) i.e. design thinking, data preprocessing and visualization, machine learning, digital prototyping and statistical methods in design. Please give a demo of the working of the final project, if applicable. Please share the progress of your work with screenshots, video and the corresponding code on your final project page. Please make sure that everyone in the team learns the skills used in the project. It should be a complete project. It should connect to the real world. Rigor is important.

Please update your slide and video of up to 2 minutes on your website's final project page. You will be given 10 minutes to present. Please let us know the individual contributions in the project.

Slide examples

Video examples

Project presentation can happen whenever the project group is ready to present on any date from 5th January to 15th January. A slide (in the form of jpg image) and a video should be uploaded on your final project webpage on the top with the heading of Final Project Development a day before the final presentation. Good luck!