Assignment 6: Term paper about your IoT project

You have learnt the skills to build IoT hardware for a real world application. You are now working on a project to implement your ideas. Please put together your thoughts in the form of a term paper about your project. The sections in your term paper should be:
Title of your paper
Literature Review
Material and Methods
Results and discussion
Please refer to the below papers to know more about the format:
Real-time Environment Monitoring System using ESP8266 and ThingSpeak on Internet of Things Platform,
IoT-based personal health care monitoring device for diabetic patients,
Healthcare Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network for Cardiac Patients,

If you are interested, you can further refine this work and submit it as this paper to a conference such as:
Conference on IoT in India,
Conference on IoT in Europe,
Proceedings from the conference on IoT in Europe


Assignment due on 15th November 2022.