Minor Test 2: Applications for COVID-19

We are sure that each one of you is itching to contribute to solving the COVID-19 problem in your own ways. This is what minor test 2 is now all about. You should upload the write-up about developing a concept of a digital/physical solution for COVID-19 or post COVID-19 India based on the applications of what you have learnt in this course. Please make sure that you cite the sources (provide references) wherever you have drawn inspiration for your ideas. You can work on this project in groups of one or two people while clearly mentioning each person's contribution to the project. Please feel free to submit the concept that you come up with elsewhere to get funding to further develop it, if you have the time.

Some resources for you to get guidance for minor test 2 concept development from are:
1. The challenge covid-19 competition brief from National Innovation Foundation was shared with you all over email some time ago.
2. SRISTI summer school brief for potential application areas for your solutions.
3. WHO COVID-19 database for the latest and the greatest research in the area
4. Some of the research papers that we have found to be relevant
5. Open source designs for COVID-19 medical supplies

The write-up should be uploaded in the assignments section as Assignment 7. The evaluation criteria can be found in this google doc.

Minor Test 2 deadline would be announced in due course of time but it would be only after 30th June.

All the best!