
Codes for examples in Arduino IDE

Files for App Inventor

GPS Mobile App files

Examples using NodeMCU

Other examples


A. Please build a Mobile App that interacts with sensor(s) of your smart phone as well as input and/or output device(s) using a microcontroller. Please document this work. Please talk about what does this App do? Please also upload the codes used with your assignment.

B. Thermal comfort is important for keeping us productive. You are expected to conduct an experiment to measure the Heat Index in your hostel room throughout the day. The formula for Heat Index is given at this link. This link suggests that if the Heat Index is below 26 degrees Celsius then it should be thermally comfortable.

You can use NodeMCU IOT platform to send data from DHT11/DHT22 sensor to the cloud and analyze that data in the form of a chart. Please share your observations from the data analyses about whether you find the room to be thermally comfortable or not.

Please measure data at least once every 5 minutes for 8 hours at a minimum but ideally for 24 hours or more. This analysis could be used specially during summer season to find out whether our rooms are thermally comfortable or not. If they are not then based on these scientific findings, the institute could be advised to take actions to improve thermal comfort.

For example, I have been measuring the heat index for my office using NodeMCU and ThingSpeak cloud for the past one week. The data exported from the ThingSpeak cloud has been prepared in the right format in this excel spreadsheet. The results show that the heat index is between 23 and 26 Celsius which is quite comfortable for now but I expect it to be uncomfortable, had the experiment been conducted in summer or winter.

Please document the steps and also upload the codes and data used.


Assignment due on 30th March 2020.