Final Project Presentation

The focus of this course was on IoT based prototyping so we would evaluate you on how well you have been able to integrate the different prototyping skills learnt in the course into a project. Please give a demo of the working of the final project. Please talk to us if you face problems in sourcing the components.

Your project should use your electronics (input+output device) + (uC + embedded programming) skills and UI in laptop/mobile app. You may also use data science skills if they are relevant for your project. If you are working in groups of two for your project (each of you should demonstrate individual mastery of each of these skills). The completed project should do something, Rigor is important.

Please update your slide and video of up to 1 minute on your website's final project page. Please also upload the microcontroller programming and app development codes, CAD files, etc. Please use your final project webpage for documenting your project. You will be given 5 minutes to present (if project group of two) and 3 minutes to present (if project group of one). If working in groups of two, please let us know the individual contributions in the project.

Slide examples

Video examples

Project presentation can happen remotely any time you are ready but no later than 10th July for graduating students with AGP and 31st August for non-graduating students as per the academic calendar of IIT Delhi. A slide (in the form of jpg image) and a video should be uploaded on your final project webpage on the top with the heading of Final Project Development before your presentation. Good luck!