Truth is what stands the test of experience.
~~~ Albert Einstein ~~~
~~~ Albert Einstein ~~~
JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (chronological, area-wise) | KUSHAL SHAH |
- Identification and Characterization of ARS like sequences as putative origin(s) of replication in human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum
M. Agarwal, K. Bhowmick, K. Shah, A. Krishnamachari and S. K. Dhar, FEBS Journal (published online)
- Time evolution of Tsallis distribution in Paul trap
V. Saxena and K. Shah, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 45, 918 (2017)
- Low frequency noise reduction using multiple transistors with variable duty cycle switched biasing
K. Jainwal, K. Shah and M. Sarkar, IEEE J-EDS 3, 481 (2015)
- Leaky Fermi accelerators
K. Shah, V. Gelfreich, V. Rom-Kedar and D. Turaev, Physical Review E 91, 062920 (2015)
- Dispersion relation and self-collimation frequency of spoof surface plasmon using tight binding model
S. Bhattacharya and K. Shah, Journal of Optics 17, 065102 (2015)
- Computational prediction of origin of replication in bacterial genomes using correlated entropy measure (CEM)
H. Parikh, A. Singh, A. Krishnamachari and K. Shah, BioSystems 128, 19 (2015)
- Multimodal propagation of the electromagnetic wave on a structured perfect electric conductor (PEC) surface
S. Bhattacharya and K. Shah, Optics Communications 328, 102 (2014) [Audio Slide]
- Large-amplitude oscillations in the rectangular Fermi accelerator
K. Shah, Physical Review E 88, 024902 (2013)
- Modified nonlinear evolution of Langmuir waves
K. Shah, Physics of Plasmas 19, 074502 (2012)
- Nucleotide correlation based measure for identifying origin of replication in genomic sequences
K. Shah and A. Krishnamachari, BioSystems 107,52 (2012)
- On the origin of three base periodicity in genomes
K. Shah and A. Krishnamachari, BioSystems 107, 142 (2012)
- Robust exponential acceleration in time-dependent billiards
V. Gelfreich, V. Rom-Kedar, K. Shah and D. Turaev, Physical Review Letters 106, 074101 (2011)
- Energy growth rate in smoothly oscillating billiards
K. Shah, Physical Review E 83, 046215 (2011)
- Asymptotic solution of Fokker-Planck equation for plasma in Paul traps
K. Shah, Physics of Plasmas 17,054501 (2010)
- Plasma response to nonlinear time-periodic electric fields in one dimension
K. Shah, Physics of Plasmas 17, 112301 (2010)
- Exponential energy growth in a Fermi accelerator
K. Shah, D. Turaev and V. Rom-Kedar, Physical Review E 81, 056205 (2010)
- Space charge effects in rf traps: Ponderomotive concept and stroboscopic analysis
K. Shah and H. S. Ramachandran, Physics of Plasmas 16, 062307 (2009)
- Analytic, nonlinearly exact solutions of an rf confined plasma
K. Shah and H. S. Ramachandran, Physics of Plasmas 15, 062303 (2008)
K. Shah, Plasma and Plasmonics (Ane Books, New Delhi, 2017)
- Spatial bandlimitedness of scattered electromagnetic fields
U. K. Khankhoje and K. Shah, arXiv:1505.00886
- Methods for teaching traditional physics [Physics Today 2016]
- Approaches to theoretical research
- Talk : Creativity in Engineering Education
- Talk : Role of teacher in transmitting values
- Equilibration of energy in periodically driven systems
ISPC Meeting 2017 (ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore)
- Collective Dynamics of Charged Particles in Paul Traps using Tsallis Distribution
Warwick Dynamical Systems Workshop 2016 (Univ of Warwick, UK)
- Leaky Fermi Accelerators
ISPC Meeting 2016 (ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore)
- Fermi acceleration in billiards with holes
Dynamics, Bifurcations and Strange Attractors 2015 (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
- Exponential Fermi acceleration
2nd National Symposium on Nonlinear and Complex Phenomenon 2015 (IASST, Guwahati)
- Plasma dynamics in time-periodic electric fields
FATB 2014 (Imperial College London)
- Statistical analysis of protein molecules
NCC 2013 (IIT Delhi)
- ORIS : Software tool for prediction of replication origin in genomes