Email Tips:
- Avoid sms jargon.
- Avoid addressing anyone as "Respected". Its quite old fashioned. Use "Dear", "Hi", "Hello", "Namaskar", "Vanakkam", "Shalom", etc.
Tips for Research Paper Writing
Presentation Tips:
- Stick to your time limit strictly.
- Number of slides must strictly be less than the time limit in minutes.
- Avoid writing long sentences on the slides. Keep slides clutter-free.
- Presentation should reflect your understanding and not just knowledge of results.
- No need to go into details of mathematical equations unless absolutely necessary.
- Have lots of colorful figures.
- Give more stress to discussion.
Classroom tips for students:
- An easy way to keep awake in class is to participate actively.
- Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand something.
- If someone else asks a question, take initiative to answer it yourself even before the teacher asks you to.
- Teachers are not rock-stars. A boring class may still be very useful!
Classroom tips for teachers:
- Most students have a very short attention span. Try to have some activities every 10-15 mins.
- Try to reduce the weightage of exams and have more assignments where students work in groups.
- The assignments should have some design element which will motivate the students to do it on their own instead of blindly copying.
- Most students will never use most of what you teach. Emphasize on developing analytical and thinking skills rather than gaining mastery over a specific subject.
- Give the students an opportunity to choose the topics that they want to learn.
- Read : Why don't students like school? by Daniel Willingham
- The Socratic Method
- Peer Instruction for Active Learning
- Creativity in Engineering Education