Welcome to COL202 - Discrete Mathematical Structures

The best way to learn (math) is to do; the worst way to teach is to talk.
-Paul Halmos



Venkata Koppula (kvenkata at cse)

Ashish R. Nair (Ashish.R.Nair.cs517 at cse)
Lakshay Saggi (Lakshay.Saggi.cs517 at cse)
Sushant Sondhi (Sushant.Sondhi.cs118 at cse)

Course Logistics

Lectures : TWF 10:05-10:55 (E slot)
Tutorials : MTThF 13:05-13:55 (check your Tutorial group here)

Lectures and tutorials will be online (via MS Teams).

Course Components and Grading Policy

  • Minor1 (20%), Minor2 (25%), Major (30%)
  • Course projects, peer-review of assignments, and lecturing in-class/tutorials (20%)
    (attend Lecture 1/check recording for more details)
  • Tutorial problem-solving (5%)
    (attend Lecture 1/check recording for more details)
  • 4-5 ungraded assignments

Audit Pass Policy: Total score >= 40/100, Exam score >= 25/75


Primary reference
[LLM10] E. Lehman, F. T. Leighton, and A. R. Meyer. Mathematics for Computer Science, Lecture notes from Fall 2010, MIT Open Courseware.

Course Calendar


03 Jan 2022 : Course website uploaded