Welcome to COL872 - Lattices in Cryptography



Venkata Koppula
kvenkata at cse.iitd.ac.in
413, Bharti Building

Lectures: TF 14:00-15:30

Course Description

A lattice (for this course) is a discrete additive subgroup of the n-dimensional Euclidean space. Lattices have been used extensively in computer science and mathematics. Recently (over the last two/three decades), they have found numerous applications in cryptography - both for cryptanalysis, and more recently, for building (quantum) secure cryptosystems.

In this course, we will first study some basic properties of n dimensional lattices, and discuss some problems on lattices that are believed to be hard. Next, we will see why these problems are believed to be hard. Following this, we will study some applications of lattices in cryptanalysis. Finally, we will discuss how to use lattice-based hardness assumptions to build cryptography.

Based on the class interest, we will cover (a subset of) the following topics:

  • mathematical preliminaries and some basic properties of lattices
  • hard problems on lattices (shortest vector problem, closest vector problem)
  • the LLL algorithms and its applications in cryptanalysis
  • exponential time algorithms for lattice problems
  • complexity of lattice problems: NP-hardness results/reductions between different lattice problems
  • duality and transference theorems
  • The Short Integer Solution (SIS) problem (and it's relation to lattice problems)
  • The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem (and it's relation to lattice problems)
  • Building basic cryptography using SIS/LWE
  • Homomorphic encryption using LWE


This is a theoretical course, and therefore mathematical maturity will be necessary. Prerequisite for this course: COL351 - Analysis and Design of Algorithms. In particular, you should be comfortable with reductions in computer science (if you haven't done COL351, but are interested in attending, please send me an email). Familiarity with cryptography will be useful, but is not a prerequisite for this class.

Course Logistics and Grading

Lectures and office hours will be online (MS Teams). We will also use MS Teams for all discussions and announcements.

Grading will be based on assignments (40%), class participation (20%) and end-term presentations (40%).


There is no textbook for this course; relevant references will be posted in the schedule. Here are some popular courses on lattices and lattice-based cryptography.

Workshops on lattices: