Project Proposal

Chameleon - The Color Scanner and Dispenser

Ever wondered what if we could get any color that we see in our surroundings?
Well say no more, Chameleon - The Color Scanner and Dispenser, a device in making which will scan the color of your choice and will deliver it within seconds. The device will consist of a scanner-gun connected with a color dispenser machine. The scanner will have a RGB color sensor that will transmit the data to the color dispenser machine which will use CMYK color model for developing the desired color.


The motivation behind us taking this challenge was this video in which the artist tries to create illusion of the original articles using paint. Apart from this illusion art, when you think about it, mixing colours to get the desired shade has always been a time consuming struggle for the artists and an even bigger nightmare for begginers! After coming across this video we did a small research in this direction and found that color developer machines are present in the market but are only limited to commercial activities. So, we decided to make an automated device which can be used to make the life of artists easier and also have a wider scale of applications.


Color development is a very important requirement for a number of jobs. This device has wide range of applications like-

  • Artists - who require accurate color for making portraits and paintings.
  • Fashion designers - who are inspired by the colors of nature to reproduce them on their creations.
  • Car workshops - where exact color is required for paint job after a car is repaired. Not only for workhops but also one can perform small paint repairs on their own.
  • Wall paint - for repairing some portion of a damaged wall with the exact paint-colour as the rest of the wall. Also, with the expanding market of interior designing the requirement of matching the correct shades of desired colours for furniture, fabrics, flooring, and many other components has become important to professionals.

  • These are some applications of this device and these can be increased through device-modifications as per the requirements for specific purposes.


    The principle of working

    There are two fundamental models of colour theory -

    1. RGB Model - It is an "additive" model which uses Red, Green & Blue - the primary colours of light on a black background to recreate an expansive cluster of colour tones. RGB model of colour mixing is suitable for sensing, processing and displaying of images in electronic system. But it fails to create the same array of colours when it comes to physical color mixing.


    2. CMYK Model - It is a "subtractive" model which uses Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (Black) colours on a white/light background to give the amalgamated colour shades. CMYK model of colour mixing is suitable for printing (output) of an image. It also achieves the hues closer to the expected colour shades when mixed physically.


    So for the Chameleon, the input of the colour needs to be in RGB model, while the output should be through the CMYK model. As the CMYK model works by keeping the white colour as a default backgroung while printing, physically dispensing colour would require an additional white colour to the CMYK model.

    How it works?

    Working layout

    1. The user picks the desired colour by scanning the colour present in the environment
    2. The image(colour) collectected by the scanner is passed to the colour sensor
    3. The colour sensor then feeds the data in the arduino in the form of RGB values and the screen displays the hexcode
    4. The RGB values are then converted to CMYKW values in the form of percentage composition through a conversion algorithm
    5. The percentage of colours are programmed to be dispensed in the quantities with the unit being milliliter (ml)
    6. The colours required to form the composite colour are directed to the dispenser by stepper pump motors, and are the dispensed in the palette for the user.

    What should it look like ?

    We made a list of the features that we would like to have in the Chameleon which is as follows -

    Keeping these features in mind we evolved our designs.

    Design prototype #1


    We then thought of about improving the aesthetics by concealing the tubes and the bottles.

    Design prototype #2


    We decided to move ahead with this design and work on making it better!

    CAD model

    CAD Prototype

    We then started working on the 3D of the protype on Solidworks to get a sense of its dimensions and individual components.


    We expect these challenges to be associated with the development of this prototype:

    Components Required


    Reference: MESOMIX - Automated Paint Mixing Machine - CLICK HERE FOR LINK

    Skills Required

    Following skills are required:

    Project Timeline

    The tentative timeline starts from the day of presenting Project Proposal (31st January 2022)

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE END-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------