CYL110 2010-2011 Quantum Tutorial 4

Instructors: Kurur/Pandey

  1. The maximum potential energy that a diatomic molecule can store is 1/2 k x2, where x is the amplitude of the vibration. If the force constant is 1.86 x 103 N m−1, calculate the maximum amplitude of vibration for the CO molecule in the ground vibrational state.
  2. It can be proved generally that for a harmonic oscillator
    <x2> = (n + 
    µ k
    and that
    <x4> = (n2 + 2n + 1)
    4µ k
    Verify these formulas for the first two states of the harmonic oscillator.
  3. An analytic expression that is a good approximation to the potential energy curve of a diatomic molecule is V(x) = D(1 − exp(−β x))2 where D and β are parameters that depend on the molecule. Derive a relation between the force constant and the parameters D and β. Now show that
    β = 2π c ν 


    where ν is the vibrational frequency expressed in cm−1.
  4. Verify the recursion relation
    Hn+1(z) − 2zHn(z) + 2nHn−1(z) = 0
    using the first few Hermite polynomials.
  5. In the infrared spectrum of H79Br, there is an intense line at 2559 cm−1. Calculate the force constant of H79Br and the period of vibration of H79Br.
  6. In the vibrational motion of HI, the iodine atom remains stationary because of its large mass. Assume that the hydrogen atom undergoes harmonic motion and that the force constant is 317 N m−1, what is the vibrational frequency ν0? What is the zero point energy if H is replaced by D? Assume that there is no change in the force constant.
  7. Calculate the moment of inertia of H35Cl, H37Cl, and D35Cl all of which have an equilibrium bond length of 1.275 Å. Determine the energies of the first three rotational states for H35Cl. Use this information to predict these values for D35Cl.
  8. Show by direct operation that the functions sinθ exp(iφ), sinθ exp(−iφ), and cosθ are eigen functions of L_z. What are the eigen values?
  9. Use the operator for L^2 in polar coordinates to show that the function (3cos2θ − 1) is an eigen function of this operator. What is the eigen value? What is the quantum number l for this function?
  10. The normalization of Ylm(θ,φ) = N Plm(cosθ)exp(imφ) is performed as follows:

    θ = 0
     (Plm)* Plm sinθ dθ 
    2 π

    φ = 0
     exp(−imφ)exp(imφ) dφ = 1,
    while its orthogonality to Ylm implies that

    θ = 0

     Ylm (Ylm)* sinθ dθ dφ = 0.
    1. Show that Y1−1(θ, φ) is normalized and it is orthogonal to Y21(θ, φ).
    2. Determine the normalization constant for the function given in problem 2.
  11. For angular momentum with quantum number l=3, how many m-values are there? What is the semi-angle of the cone subtended by the angular momentum vector if its z-projection is 2ℏ?
  12. From the definition of angular momentum, L = r × p, and following the procedure outlined in the class obtain the Cartesian form of the y-component of the angular momentum operator.
  13. Show that [L_y, L_z]=iℏ L_x. (Hint: Use the information from the previous problem.)
  14. Show that [L_x, y]=iz.
  15. Determine the positions of the first three rotational transitions for H35Cl and D35Cl.
  16. In the far infrared spectrum of H79Br, there is a series of lines separated by 16.72 cm−1. Calculate the values of the moment of inertia and the internuclear separation in H79Br.
  17. The J = 0 → J = 1 line in the microwave absorption spectrum of 12C16O and of 13C16O was found to be at 3.84235 cm−1 and 3.67337 cm−1. Calculate (a) the bond length of 12C16O, (b) the relative atomic mass of 13C.
  18. A hydrogen-like atom can be formed from a proton and a negative muon whose mass is approximately 206 times that of the electron. What are the energies and most probable radius for the 1s and 2p levels of this atom?
  19. Using the uncertainty principle argue that free electrons cannot exist in the nucleus. The diameter of a typical nucleus is 10−14 m.
  20. For a hydrogen atom in the ground state find the classically forbidden region and calculate the probability of finding the electron in this region.
  21. Compute the average value of r, the most probable value of r, and the root-mean-square value of r for the 1s and 2p levels of the hydrogen atom. Compare the three kinds of values and explain the origin of their differences.
  22. Show that the hydrogenlike atomic wave function ψ210 is normalized and that it is orthogonal to ψ200.
  23. Calculate the probability that an electron described by a hydrogen 1s wave function will be found within one Bohr radius of the nucleus.
  24. Prove that <V> = 2<E> and, consequently, that <K> = −<E>, for a 2s electron.
  25. Compute <r> in the 2s, 2p states of the hydrogen atom. Compare your result with the general formula
    <rnl> = 

    3n2 − l(l+1)
  26. Where do the maxima in r2ψ2s2(r) occur?
  27. What combinations of the d (l = 2) atomic orbitals will produce the Cartesian function dxz = xzRnl(r) and dxy = xyRnl(r).
  28. If we were to ignore the inter-electronic repulsion in helium, what would be its ground state energy and wave function? The experimental ground state energy of He is −79.0 eV.

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