CML522 Chemical Dynamics and Surface Chemistry
In this course we will attempt to (un)cover some of the following topics: Reaction kinetics and molecular reaction dynamics. Experimental techniques for fast reactions. Femtochemistry. Surface phenomena. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Physical methods for studying surfaces.
Course outline
Course Outline
Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking
How to Solve It
Levine's Study Suggestions for Physical Chemistry
Levine's Problem Solving Strategies for Physical Chemistry
Exams, Homeworks, and Quizzes
Preliminary Quiz
Homework 1 (due on Jan. 25)
Minor 1
Minor 2 (with answer key) with a slightly more detailed solution
Iodine excited state fluorescence
Fluorescence of proteins
Microscopic Reversibility and Detailed Balance
Kinetic vs. thermodynamic control
Solving Coupled First Order Equations
First two chapters of I. H. Segel's classic "Enzyme Kinetics"
100 years of Michaelis-Menten