About Me

Hey there! Thanks for dropping by. I'm all about diving into the fascinating world of quantum tech. Right now, my focus is on creating homegrown Quantum Key Distribution systems. What does that mean, you ask? Well, I'm the guy behind crafting systems that make sure your digital secrets stay secret. I'm talking about single photon sources, entangled photon generators - the nuts and bolts of secure communication. I've cracked the code on various QKD protocols, turning complex theory into practical solutions. When I'm not knee-deep in quantum stuff, I'm a mentor. I've helped out lots of Master's students, guiding them through their research projects. I'm also a whiz with telecom fiber gadgets and can work wonders with COMSOL Multiphysics simulations. But hey, life isn't just lab coats and simulations. I've got a thing for learning on the side too. Machine Learning, Web Dev, Blogging - you name it. Oh, and I've got an eye for photography and a tune or two up my sleeve. So, stick around if you're into the nitty-gritty of quantum, or if you just want to explore a mishmash of skills and hobbies. Thanks for swinging by, and let's have some fun unravelling the mysteries together!


New Delhi, India

Phone: +91-11-2659-6555

Email: nishantphysics100(at)gmail(dot)com