Ashutosh Rai


I am an Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematics, IIT Delhi. Prior to joining IIT Delhi, I was briefly associated with Computer Science Department IIIT, Delhi as an Assistant Professor. Before that, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague and a postdoc at Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, with Prof. Yixin Cao and his group. I did my masters and PhD from Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai, where I was advised by Prof. Saket Saurabh and Prof. Venkatesh Raman.

My basic interest lies in Theoretical Computer Science. Much of my research till now has been about dealing with NP-complete problems in algorithmic ways, including fixed-paramater tractability and kernelization. I am also interested in connections between parameterized complexity and classical complexity and the hardness theory arising from that.

You can find my CV here and my dblp page here.


Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110016

Room MZ-170, Department of Mathematics
e-mail: (firstname) [dot] (lastname) [at] maths [dot] iitd [dot] ac [dot] in



  In Journals
  • A Polynomial Kernel for Diamond-Free Editing
    with Yixin Cao, R. B. Sandeep, and Junjie Ye
    in Algorithmica, Volume 84(1), Pages 197-215 (2022). [link] [preprint]

  • Parameterized and exact algorithms for class domination coloring
    with R. Krithika, Saket Saurabh, and Prafullkumar Tale
    in Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 291, Pages 286-299 (2021). [link] [preprint]

  • Parameterized Algorithms for Max Colorable Induced Subgraph problem on Perfect Graphs
    with Neeldhara Misra, Fahad Panolan, Venkatesh Raman, and Saket Saurabh
    in Algorithmica, Volume 81(1), Pages 26-46 (2019). [link] [preprint]

  • Generalized Pseudoforest Deletion: Algorithms and Uniform Kernel
    with Geevarghese Philip and Saket Saurabh
    in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (SIDMA), Volume 32(2), Pages 882-901 (2018). [link] [preprint]

  • On the Kernelization Complexity of String Problems
    with Manu Basavaraju, Fahad Panolan, M. S. Ramanujan, and Saket Saurabh
    in Theoretical Computer Science (2018), Volume 730, Pages 21-31 (2018). [link] [preprint]

  • Bivariate complexity analysis of Almost Forest Deletion with Saket Saurabh
    in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 708, Pages 18-33 (2018). [link] [preprint]

  • Faster Parameterized Algorithms for Deletion to Split Graphs
    with Esha Ghosh, Sudeshna Kolay, Mrinal Kumar, Pranabendu Misra, Fahad Panolan, and M. S. Ramanujan
    in Algorithmica, Volume 71(4), Pages 989-1006 (2015). [link] [preprint]

  • Kernel lower bounds using co-nondeterminism: Finding induced hereditary subgraphs
    with Stefan Kratsch, Marcin Pilipczuk, and Venkatesh Raman
    in ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT), Volume 7(1), Pages 4:1-4:18 (2014). [link] [preprint]

  In Conferences
  • Parameterized complexity of untangling knots
    with Clement Legrand-Duchesne and Martin Tancer [pdf]
    in EATCS International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), 2022.

  • Parameterized Complexity of Set-Restricted Disjoint Paths on Chordal Graphs
    with Petr A. Golovach, Fahad Panolan, and Saket Saurabh [pdf]
    in International Computer Scinece Symposium in Russia (CSR), 2022.

  • On Extended Formulations For Parameterized Steiner Trees
    with Andreas Emil Feldmann [pdf]
    in International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC), 2021.

  • Fixed-Parameter Tractability of the Weighted Edge Clique Partition Problem
    with Andreas Emil Feldmann and Davis Issac [pdf]
    in International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC), 2020.

  • Quick Separation in Chordal and Split Graphs [pdf]
    with Pranabendu Misra, Fahad Panolan, Saket Saurabh, and Roohani Sharma
    in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), 2020.

  • Parameterized Inapproximability of Independent Sets in H-Free Graphs [pdf]
    with Pavel Dvořák, Andreas Emil Feldmann, and Paweł Rzążewski
    in International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG), 2020.

  • A Polynomial Kernel for Diamond-Free Editing [pdf]
    with Yixin Cao, R. B. Sandeep, and Junjie Ye
    in European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), 2018.

  • Parameterized and Exact Algorithms for Class Domination Coloring [pdf]
    with R. Krithika, Saket Saurabh, and Prafullkumar Tale
    in International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM), 2017.

  • Lossy Kernels for Graph Contraction Problems [pdf]
    with R. Krithika, Pranabendu Misra, and Prafullkumar Tale
    in IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), 2016.

  • Strong Graph Deletion: Bipartite Graphs [pdf]
    with M. S. Ramanujan
    in IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), 2016.

  • A Parameterized Algorithm for Mixed-Cut [pdf]
    with M. S. Ramanujan and Saket Saurabh
    in Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN), 2016.

  • Generalized Pseudoforest Deletion: Algorithms and Uniform Kernel [pdf]
    with Geevarghese Philip and Saket Saurabh
    in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), 2015.

  • Bivariate Complexity Analysis of Almost Forest Deletion [pdf]
    with Saket Saurabh
    in Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON), 2015.

  • Kernel Lower Bounds on String Problems [pdf]
    with Manu Basawaraju, Fahad Panolan, Saket Saurabh, and M. S. Ramanujan
    in Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON), 2014.

  • Polynomial Kernels for $\lambda$-extendible Properties Parameterized Above the Poljak-Turzík Bound [pdf]
    with Robert Crowston, Mark Jones, Gabriele Muciaccia, Geevarghese Philip, and Saket Saurabh
    in IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), 2013.

  • Parameterized Algorithms for Max Colorable Induced Subgraph problem on Perfect Graphs[pdf]
    with Neeldhara Misra, Fahad Panolan, Venkatesh Raman, and Saket Saurabh
    in International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG), 2013.

  • Kernel lower bounds using co-nondeterminism: Finding induced hereditary subgraphs [pdf]
    with Stefan Kratsch, Marcin Pilipczuk, and Venkatesh Raman
    in Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT), 2012.

  • Faster Parameterized Algorithms for Deletion to Split Graphs [pdf]
    with Esha Ghosh, Sudeshna Kolay, Mrinal Kumar, Pranabendu Misra, Fahad Panolan, and M. S. Ramanujan
    in Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT), 2012.

  • On the kernelization complexity of problems on graphs without long odd cycles [pdf]
    with Fahad Panolan
    in Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON), 2012.

  • Parameterized Algorithms for Graph Modification Problems [pdf]
    PhD thesis

  • Kernel Lower Bounds: A Survey [pdf]
    Master's thesis