Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)

The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme provides six essential services to children under six. It is also a delivery point for services to pregnant and lactating mothers.

This is a part of an archive of photographs for various entitlement programmes of the government of India and of state governments. These photographs have been taken since 2005 or so, in the course of field work undertaken for data collection.

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There are also videos documenting the implementation of ICDS that have been collected along with the photos. Please click the button below to see them.

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Pre-school education is one of the key services provided at anganwadis. In several states, it is no longer uncommon to see ICDS children going to the anganwadi with school bags. Karnataka, 2019

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Growth monitoring is one of the key services provided at anganwadis. This anganwadi in Gujarat has a weighing scale for children; the wall is being used to mark out green/red zones for a child’s BMI.

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A simple but functional kitchen at an anganwadi in Gujarat. Supplementary nutrition is one of the key services provided through the ICDS.

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Several states now provide a breakfast and a hot cooked meal around lunch time. This is the morning snack at an anganwadi in Gujarat.

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Physical infrastructure at anganwadis used to be seriously lacking. On this too there has been improvement over the past few years. This anganwadi in Ranchi district had child size chairs for children to sit on.

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An anganwadi worker (AWW) and anganwadi helper (AWH) in their respective uniforms. Uniforms have become an important innovation to instil pride among, and ensure accountability of, AWWs and AWHs. Karnataka, 2019.

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Even for anganwadi going children, some states provide uniforms. At this anganwadi, the community arranged uniforms for the anganwadi children. Karnataka, 2019.

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This well-equipped anganwadi kitchen has a water purifier, along with other basic needs.

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Pre-school education extends beyond learning the alphabet. Here, the anganwadi worker/teacher was using broken bangles and imli (tamarind) seeds to do art work with children.

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The provision of eggs is an important aspect of the supplementary nutrition component of the ICDS. In Karnataka, anganwadi children get eggs thrice a week.

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Time to swing, at the anganwadi.

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Time to sleep! In some states, anganwadis are open for longer hours, and in the afternoon, children take a short nap.

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Time to go home! Children putting on their footwear at the end of the day at the anganwadi.

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Today’s menu – beetroot upma. Kerala, 2011.

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While child sized chairs are now beginning to make an appearance in the north Indian states, they could already be spotted in Kerala in 2011.

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Physical infrastructure is still sorely lacking in some parts of the country. At this angwandi in Ganjam (Odisha), the verandah was being used as a makeshift kitchen.

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Pre-school activities are becoming common across the country. Here, an anganwadi child has arrived with her plate and slate.

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Pre-school activities in Odisha include learning rhymes. Odisha 2014.

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Take-home rations (THR) are part of the supplementary nutrition component of the ICDS. A mother has come to the anganwadi to pick up her weekly THR packets and the child is seen tasting it. Odisha 2014.

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Odisha provides eggs to all anganwadi children. It pioneered the use of eggs as THR – two per week - for children under three. Odisha 2014.

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A mother with her weekly quota of THR eggs and chhatua. Odisha 2014.

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An anganwadi worker shows the register she maintains for the distribution of eggs to children under three and to pregnant and lactating mothers. Odisha 2014.

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The anganwadi centre is also a delivery point of essential health services to pregnant and lactating mothers. Odisha celebrates a “mamata divas” when the ANM comes to conduct ANC for all such women.

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Anganwadi children taking in the sun in the winter, in their uniforms.

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The day for the distribution of eggs at an Anganwadi. Ganjam (Odisha), 2014.

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An anganwadi worker with her eggs register.

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An anganwadi with a weighing scale for children.

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The walls of an anganwadi serve as educational material. The walls here have, among other things, the pictures of important leaders, whom the children were able to name.

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Tamil Nadu’s anganwadis often have this airy structure. This allows the interior to be well ventilated and well lit.

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Children inside an anganwadi in Tamil Nadu. 2017.

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A surprise on a Sunday at an anganwadi in remote Himachal Pradesh. It was Pulse Polio Sunday, and parents/grandparents came in a trickle to the anganwadi to have their child immunized. 2012.

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A simple ‘kitchen’ in the corner of an angandwadi. Himachal Pradesh 2012.

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The Anganwadi teacher used the pulse polio Sunday to weigh all the children. Himachal Pradesh. 2012.

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As this child’s weight was called aloud, the mother was able to tell how much her daughter had gained since the last time she was weighed. Himachal Pradesh 2012.

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School bags with names of children are used to store their art work at the anganwadi.. Himachal Pradesh 2012.

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Anganwadi workers/teachers have to maintain many records. A picture of all the registers that she is expected to maintain. Himachal Pradesh 2014.

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An enthusiastic anganwadi teacher and her enthu students, recite a rhyme with actions. (Announced visit.) Karnataka 2019.

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