NREGA is often written off as ‘digging holes’. This page includes various assets that have been created with the labour of NREGA workers.

This is a part of an archive of photographs for various entitlement programmes of the government of India and of state governments. These photographs have been taken since 2005 or so, in the course of field work undertaken for data collection.

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A social audit uncovered the embezzlement of wages by the panchayat secretary. Chakeri (Chhattisgarh) 2009.

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Here the secretary is seen returning wages to the NREGA worker. Chakeri (Chhattisgarh) 2009.

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Rozgar sahayaks are supposed to assist the Gram Panchayat in the implementation of NREGA. This job chart lays out their responsibilities. Chhattisgarh 2009.

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Bhukhan Singh, an NREGA activist outside the Manika NREGA Sahayata Kendra. Such kendras act as a bridge between NREGA workers and the block administration to resolve grievances.

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In the absence of threshing yards, village residents used local roads to thresh their crops.

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By one estimate, threshing on roads can lead to up to 25% loss of grain/pulses.

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Seen here is ragi spread out for threshing on a local road. Karnataka 2014.

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The state government in Karnataka is using NREGA to develop local threshing yards.

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Harvested grain ready for threshing in NREGA threshing yard

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NREGA labour has also been used to develop a khokho field for a local school

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NREGA labour used to develop a volley ball court at the local school.

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NREGA has been used to recharge bore wells in Chitradurga district, Karnataka.

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A close-up of an irrigation canal where the portion cleared of grassy growth as well as the portion that has not yet been cleared can be seen. Kerala 2011.

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NREGA labour was used to create access to a Dalit home, earlier inaccessible due to a water body surrounding it. Kerala 2011.

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NREGA workers clearing local pond of unwanted growth. Kerala 2011.

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Access to a home that was difficult to reach because of water surrounding it. Kerala 2011.

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Plantation of vettivar grass along the sides of an NREGA pond, to hold soil in place. Kerala 2011.

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A muster roll is a weekly attendance sheet for labourers. Labourers sign each day that they are present, are marked absent “A” when they’re not.

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Water channels by a roadside are essential to drain rainwater and prevent damage to roads. In this labourers are seen clearing growth in the water channels.

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There was a lot of growth inside and along an irrigation canal which prevents water from flowing to the fields. In this picture, one can see the grassy growth cleared from the canal, along with the portion that is yet to be cleaned.

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Local residents catching fish from an NREGA fish pond. Tamil Nadu 2016.

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A fish pond developed in Tamil Nadu under NREGA. Tamil Nadu 2016.

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In Tamil Nadu, cattle sheds are being constructed using NREGA labour. Tamil Nadu 2016.

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Cattle feeding in a cattle shed developed with NREGA funds. Tamil Nadu 2016.

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The lack of worksite facilities, such as a caretaker for children under six, means that female labourers have to work with their child. Under NREGA, women are entitled to child care facilities at NREGA worksites. Tamil Nadu 2016.

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A child sitting unsupervised in a pit being dug by NREGA workers, because child care facilities are often not provided. Tamil Nadu 2016.

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NREGA labour was used to create a water supply channel by a roadside. Some plantation work is also being done along the road using NREGA funds. Tamil Nadu 2016.

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A water channel under a bridge was cleared of bushes using NREGA labour. Tamil Nadu.

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Desiltation and clearing of bushes around the periphery of a local pond increases the water collection and recharge. Tamil Nadu 2016.

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These are old style paper muster rolls (or attendance sheets). Workers sign each day, which allows them to concurrently monitor NREGA implementation.

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Cattle sheds were being constructed under NREGA.

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In urban peripheries, Tamil Nadu was trying out the convergence of NREGA with Solid Waste Management. This includes collection of solid waste in such carts. Pudukottai (Tamil Nadu), 2016.

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NREGA workers seen segregating solid waste collected from the local community. Pudukottai (Tamil Nadu), 2016.

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Non-biodegradable solid is shredded in such machines. Pudukottai (Tamil Nadu), 2016.

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Non-biodegradable solid waste with resale value ready for sale. Pudukottai (Tamil Nadu), 2016.

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NREGA workers segregate solid waste for recycling. Pudukottai (Tamil Nadu), 2016.

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Fly ash is a by product from coal fired power plants, and causes air pollution. In West Bengal, the rural development department was experimenting with producing fly ash bricks. West Bengal 2015.

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Fly ash is a by product from coal fired power plants, and causes air pollution. A brick manufactured in a fly ash brick workshop set up under NREGA. West Bengal 2015.

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An irrigation channel through a private field helps reach water for vegetable growing. Nadia (West Bengal), 2015.

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The private field of vegetables used to get submerged in the absence of this drainage canal constructed under NREGA. Nadia (West Bengal), 2015.

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